Lessons that stick like glue.
Do your students need to connect better with the classroom curriculum? Do your seniors and residents need a nostalgic thrill? Or do your employees need an inspiring jumpstart? Then call in the cavalry... really! The population of adults who are making the leap into "educational performing" is growing... They're being called on to support K-12 curriculum in schools where teachers have their hands full, to entertain boomers & seniors, and to inspire employees as they train them. Can you imagine a soldier walking into your classroom or team-building meeting with a message about getting along (your choice of soldier, says Arn Kind - social studies/history teacher turned professional educational performer - be it the revolutionary war, civil war, WWI or WWII). Historical accuracy and context go hand-in-hand with the message, says Kind. How about hearing about leadership from a past U.S. President who was a born leader like Teddy Roosevelt, getting the rapt attention of your kids because Captain Jack Sparrow is talking pirate history (he's pure fiction, of course, but he draws kids like a magnet - and better yet, they listen!) or learning the history of gangsters in Saint Paul (from a "real" gangster). So whether it's a program that's onsite for your students, residents or employees, or whether it's a field trip or day trip to authentic destinations with predictable, high-quality substance, remember that you have this support that is making those of us who need it sit up and take notice.
If you want to meet these 3 absolutely dynamic individuals shown above, and to converse with about 80 other providers with unique programs that can stop an audience cold, heat them up and then give them lessons that stick like glue... come on Monday, January 9th to Base Camp BSA in Saint Paul. You will be surprised. And definitely impressed. Click HERE for more information about the 2017 Summer Resource Fair. This free-to-attend event is an initiative by providers and the MN Field Trip & Activity Library, a free resource for this kind of content. It is designed to help you plan events and activities, and we're confident you won't regret the time you invest. Lastly, if you can't make it, send one or more of your staff. Your kids, residents, and employees will thank you.