Lessons in Life
Health & Safety Engineer – Civil Construction, Process Oil & Gas.
Did you know that every person you come in contact with is there to help you with one of your life's lessons? Some people will enter your life for just a few moments, some for a few days, some for a few months, and some for many years. All of these people have one thing in common - they are there to help you with one of the lessons you need to learn in your life. There is an ancient saying that "No man is my friend, no man is my enemy, every man is my teacher...." When you choose to look at everyone you meet as a teacher, you will then be able to stop, look, and truly listen to what these people have to say. You will hear the guidance and direction you need to take for your next step in your life journey.
So many of us go through life not really seeing or hearing others. We are so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the times that we don't have a clue as to what signs and guidance we may be missing. Many times we are the "walking unconscious". This means we go through portions of our lives unaware of our surroundings. In this state of mind we will miss some valuable guidance.
When you don't stop and really listen to others, you will miss the guidance and wisdom that may make your life much better. You may miss the signs that could save you a lot of time and grief later on. You may miss the wisdom needed to make better decisions each step of the way. You may continue to repeat your mistakes. You may continue to "spin your wheels" without getting anywhere or making any real progress. You may feel stuck, confused and hopeless. So much of your time and energy could be saved and used more productively if you would only stop, look, and listen for your lessons in life.