Lessons of Life
Dr. Assan Jallow, ChE.
Empowering Businesses with Financial Insights | Expert in Tax Strategy, Economic Analysis & Management Consulting|? 15+Years Public Service ?
Please, allow me to put a point of clarification as I am not beefing with anyone here on LinkedIn but rather sharing some foods for thoughts which is just a gentle reminder for all of us to put away the false life and live the descent lifestyle if we truly want to be successful, respected and worth to be called the proper name of genuine, moral and conscientious human beings with unquestionable pedigree in terms of attitude, character, status and respect in society.
As the old Wolof adage has it "nit and niiteeh". Obviously, we are all are "niits" (i.e. human beings) but would rather be classified among the "niteehs" (the best in humans). Honestly, many of us are far away from the "niiteeh" concept, thus drugged with lust, greed and pretentious hearts to fabricate false stories of untrue nature to suit themselves in their agendas in life, defraud and drag their fellow brothers into the streams of falsehood and into the doldrums of pains and regrets with falsifying life styles and untrue life stories. Why do we lie? What benefit would lying give us? Why is it that we complained only when we fall- out or are no longer in the group of the opportune few who control the worlds resources, state of government, public and private machinery because of their power of influence and wealth? Why do we pretend to be freedom fighters, while in actual fact we are the devil at work, only throwing the dirt of our fellow being because we are not part of the bandwagon or we might fall-out? Indeed, once we are approached and starts sharing the spoils of life, we are contented and remain deaf, dumb and quiet because we allowed to be consumed with the rhythm of satanic vices. Why is it that many of our fellow brothers and sisters pretends and live a false life? Why would we defraud our fellow brothers and sisters, holding their monies for no just cause after they have assisted you to fulfill a want in your life? Why it is that we no longer show respect to our elders and towards one another? Why has love gone away from the hearts of men and women of our generation today? How many of us do dubbed our fellow brothers with the pretension of trying to play some kind of intelligent or smart mind’s game or puzzle as loyal to their lives?
The lesson of this post is for all of us to remain conscious of our set development goals and objectives in life. Let us not be sway away by the words of men with ungrateful hearts and polluted mind, people who lacks integrity and moral mores in society. Let us be ourselves and nothing else, as someone's life does not and will never suit us in our path to be who we are or who we really want to be in the future? We need to preserve the innate gifts we are endowed by God Almighty. We all know what we are made up and let no hurdles or hostile forces stop the innate powers inside us. I implore all, never to be contented with their present conditions or status in life whether in full or absolute riches, in the middle-belt or somehow or in total rags. Life is for us to live and to venture into the impossibility or unknown with good foresight and guided with positive insights to realise one's vision or goals in life. Remember, nothing ventured, nothing discovered. That is you reap what actually u had sowed. Life is an adventure. According to the wise words of Mother Theresa of Calcutta, India and i quote, "Life is an opportunity, benefit from it. Life is beauty, admire it. Life is a dream, realise it. Life is a challenge, meet it. Life is a game, play it, Life is a struggle, accept it. Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it. Life is luck, make it. Life is too precious, do not destroy it". Truly, this philosophical statement embodies a lot of lessons for us to draw and learn from, if we reason with our reasoning minds through the chemistry of thoughts. To conclude, let us not lure our fellow brothers and sisters into the schemes of polluting their minds and putting our thinking mentality into their minds. This is senseless and inhuman by nature, hence a violation to their constitutional rights to make choices in their lives or take decisions of their own, as people of matured ages. Therefore, let us be mindful of the utterances by mere words of mouths or through writing we made, as they do not die easily, nor are they erasable. They remain in eternity through and after our transition from this world to our permanent testing place. These words are like the fired bullets from a gun's chamber, which once released cannot be retrieved again. Obviously, they could be brought forward against us in the public domain in the near future by enemies of progress and could trigger questionability in our persona and characters. Always, let us be vigilant, by remaining honest, sincere and with the precepts of truthfulness, thus setting the records straight or right on occurred events, rather than diffusing them with the wrath of media gimmicks where the truth is sealed from the public and falsehood spread like a wide fire to the wider listening and viewing public who cannot distinguished the difference from truth and falsehood. This culture is called the revolutionary syndrome of satanic vices with the intention to make every one of us into dump-ass liars, deceivers, fraudsters and haters, where love disappears and the brotherhood of man doubtfully forgotten. Where people are driven into tribal sentiments in the forms of hate crimes, discrimination, xenophobia, the foolish ideologies of becoming economic saboteurs, people who bitterly complaint unnecessarily and are bent on the games of blaming others for their progress or developments in life. We cannot continue to live such lives as we are living in a globalised world, where the world has become into a moving and connected societies that requires flaring initiatives, skills, knowledge, education and expertise to make the world better on common grounds, hence bringing new knowledge dispensation in science and technology, business, economics, law and public finance, towards living the dreams of hopefulness to better build our societies and regain their greatness for sustainable economic growth and development of all.
Finally, this is a simple logic and I implore each and every one of you to apply the "LAWS OF ATTRACTION" in our lives and we will never be misguided by any agent of the devil (Satan) in our lives. Therefore, truth triumphs over falsehood and we will never know until we are willing to know the truth. Happy Reading to all
By Dr. Assan Jallow, CEO, Gandhian School of Thought.