Lessons learnt being a trainer
I am going to write short stories of experiences I have learned from my life personally and professionally :
I was a trainer for the entire team who handled or sold the product. Being a trainer at the start was an incredible challenge, but we slowly developed a methodology so that it could be re-implemented by any new trainer.
I used to train new recruits in batches and once in a way my superior would check up on the status of their training as an informal update.
One time there was a batch of recruits who were slow, so I was pacing out the training process to fit their needs.
Randomly as always, my superior checked up on the status of the training and I mentioned we were behind schedule.
Now pay attention to the next part of the story very carefully.
My superior asked me "Liswith have you ever gone to school?".
I replied rather annoyed, "Yes".
My superior asked me "Do teachers slow the syllabus midterm or go as per schedule till the end of the semester even if there were weak students?".
I replied, "No, teachers assist the weaker students but they stick to the syllabus and schedule".
My superior asked, "Then what should weak students be doing?".
I replied, "Stay after school get help, or do more revision".
My superior replied, "Exactly, they have to stay and ask for help or when they get home to revise their lessons".
The importance of this story is that deadlines and timelines are not supposed to be shifted or missed.
While the duties of the company are to train you and assist you, it is yours to put the time to improve your skills for your job as well.
I hope reading this sparked your mind.