Lessons learned:Being Self-Employed

Lessons learned:Being Self-Employed

Being self-employed gives you the opportunity to have complete visibility into your strengths and weaknesses. The last four months of my life have been an eye-opening experience and I would simply like to share some of my learnings with you and hope they may be of some value to you. It takes a certain type of person to be successful in working for themselves and to attempt to build a great company that focuses on helping its clients succeed.

I am not pretending I am the author of any of these, I receive ost of my inspiration for writing from reading the works of others. Let me know what resonates with you and if you have anything to add make sure to write it down in the comments.

  • Resources require responsibility
  • Never confuse what you do with who you are
  • Success is about choosing the right thing to do, not about doing everything right
  • God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • When life seems to be collapsing around us - don’t push too hard to salvage certain things because it can dig a bigger hole. Never look for magic answers, do the basic tasks of the day and take some small steps forward to gain some ground to stabilize. - Dr. Jeff Spencer
  • Sell a bunch before lunch and be a winner at dinner
  • When you have something to say, silence can be a lie. - Jordan Peterson
  • If you keep living the way you are now, you will continue to produce the same life you already have
  • Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do. - Darren Hardy
  • What you aim at is what you see in life.
  • Humor is what happens when we are told the truth quicker and more directly than we are used to. - George Saunders
  • Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development, success is something you attract by the person you become. - Hal Elrod
  • Patience is power and refers to the one who does not act on impulse and avoids giving offense - Pope Francis
  • Diagnosis>Strategy>Macro Design>>Micro Design>Implementation
  • Leading the design Managing the change
  • A man who has a strong enough why can bear any how - Nietzsche
  • Destroyer mode - not everyone has it and that’s ok, this is the mode you go to when you need the extra mile, where you push harder. It is made up of emotion and logic, both of which have their limits. When something doesn’t make any logical sense, rely on emotions and vice versa. - Jocko Willink
  • Performance=potential - interference
  • The fruit of the Spirit is love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness and self control. - Galatians 5:22-23
  • Discomfort with a new skill is the biggest barrier to learning it
  • If you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything
  • To know and not do do, is really not to know
  • Living for pleasure alone is a good strategy if you don’t have a purpose for your life
  • Prayer is more about seeking than it is speaking
  • Do what you have to do so you can do what you want to do
  • Ideas don’t create results, execution does
  • Sometimes God saves you from what you want so you can get what you actually need
  • Sometimes the person you need to forgive is yourself
  • Thoughts create actions. Actions create habits. Habits create character. Your character is your destiny. - Matthew Kelly
  • Having a lack of time is really a lack of priorities
  • Let no one come to you without coming away better and happier - St. Teresa

For the last 4 years, I have used Darren Hardy’s Living your best year ever journal.Keeping a journal to track my daily activities and making sure they are tied back to my weekly and monthly goals has become crucial to any of the success I have had. Being able to look back on your days to better plan/do/review and improve is a key to spotting your insecurities and weaknesses as well as celebrating your wins.

Do you keep a journal?

What maxim from above resonated with you?


“Be great, nothing else pays.”



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