Lessons Learned
Rich Ormonde
I solve your problems in healthcare and education delivery. RODP, PG Dip, FHEA, CHSE, CHSOS.
This morning there will be multiple people waking up in their ivory towers, ready to explain how the Secret Service Detail tasked to support Former Present Trump (FPT) this weekend shoulda/coulda/woulda done things differently.
Situation Awareness: Risk assessment gets you so far but can you realistically plan for all eventualities? Clearly not.
How will people act under pressure?: FPT will have received instruction and maybe even simulated how to behave during events like this. During extraction drills, many will have a totally compliant Principle. This is a great example of real-world extractions! Repeated simulation and drills can help but we never really know how people will react in high-adrenaline situations.
The main lesson for me: If you go to a political rally, don't sit behind the podium!
Wishing those injured and affected by this a swift recovery.