Lessons Learned: Never, ever freeze proteins in sodium phosphate buffer
John Carpenter
Professor Emeritus at Univ. of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Biopharma Consultant when not fishing
Time for a review. Based on some recent conversations and comments to posts, I think that it might be helpful to post this article again. Please contact me if you have any questions.
As noted in an earlier posts, proteins should never, ever be frozen in sodium phosphate buffer because this buffer can greatly acidify at subzero temperatures. By the way, other buffer salts (e.g., succinate) display this behavior, but sodium phosphate seems most often to be involved in practical problems. There have been many unpublished accounts of disasters occurring because proteins were stored frozen in sodium phosphate buffer. These instances range from graduate students losing all of the protein that they had worked so hard to express and purify to companies facing regulatory holds on manufacturing because of precipitation of protein during freeze-thawing of bulk drug substance. And these cases are still occurring today!
The acidification occurs because the dibasic salt of sodium phosphate has eutectic temperatures at relatively high subzero temperatures; e.g., -10 C. (This temperature, however, can be greatly affected by the solution composition.) Thus, crystallization of the dibasic salt can result a non-frozen fraction (where the protein resides) that is mostly monobasic sodium phosphate and which has a very low pH; ca. pH 4. This phenomenon has been reported in the literature for more than sixty years. See for example:
It is important to emphasize that phosphate buffered saline (PBS), which contains potassium phosphate buffer and sodium chloride, also is a solution from which dibasic sodium phosphate can crystallize at subzero temperatures.
The degree of salt crystallization and resulting pH change depends on many factors, including the solution composition, the rates of cooling and warming and the subzero storage temperature.
Impact of solution composition. As examples of the impacts of the solution composition see the results in the table above. In this study, lactate dehydrogenase was prepared in 10 mM potassium and 100 mM NaCl (pH 7.5 at room temperature). When the solution was frozen to -20 C, the pH dropped to 4.5 in samples without excipient, and the enzyme was inactivated. However, when polymers (bovine serum albumin or polyvinyl pyrrolidone) were included in the solutions at 10% (wt/vol), the acidification and resulting enzyme inactivation were mostly inhibited. For more details, see the original paper:
Polymers (including proteins) and other glass forming solution components might inhibit the buffer salt crystallization. The magnitude of this effect depends on the concentrations of the solution components, including of the buffer salts, the glass transition temperature of the solution and the thermal history of the sample (see below for impacts of processing parameters).
For more recent examples of the impact of solution conditions (e.g., presence of trehalose or mannitol) on cystallization of sodium phosphate -- and the resulting acidification at subzero temperatures -- see the recent paper from Prof. Sury's lab (Thorat and Suryanayanan, 2019):
It is noteworthy that the protein itself might inhibit crystallizing of dibasic sodium phosphate, but relatively high concentrations (e.g., 100 mg/ml) might be needed. But even with high concentration protein solutions (e.g., bulk drug substance), using sodium phosphate buffer is high risk if the solution will be frozen.
Impact of processing conditions. Processing conditions can greatly affect the degree of the buffer salt crystallization; kinetic effects can offset the thermodynamic tendency for crystallization. If a solution is cooled quickly below the glass transition temperature of the non-ice phase, salt crystallization might not have time to occur, and damage to the protein due to acidification might be mitigated. Also, rapid cooling can reduce the time that the protein is exposed to acidic pH; before glass formation reduces rates of potential protein damage. For example, in the results shown above, rapid cooling to freeze the samples, coupled with rapid warming during the thawing step, avoided inactivation of the enzyme being studied.
But these were lab-based studies with small-volume samples. When large volumes of bulk drug substance are frozen and thawed, it is often not feasible to obtain ultra-rapid cooling and warming. And changes in processing conditions have been shown in unpublished cases to cause extensive protein precipitation. For example, in one case the frozen bulk was shipped to a new facility for drug product manufacturing. At the original facility the bulk drug substance, which was frozen in sodium phosphate, never had a protein precipitation problem. But because of the increase in subzero temperature during shipping and/or the slower warming process at the new facility, there was sufficient time of exposure to higher subzero temperatures to allow for buffer salt crystallization. The resulting acidification led to protein aggregation and massive protein precipitation being observed in the thawed solution. Think "snow globes." The solution to the problem was to avoid warming during shipping and to implement the more rapid thawing process at the new facility that was used at the old facility.
This is one of numerous disasters that have occurred because of the use of sodium phosphate buffer with frozen protein solutions and the unanticipated impacts of processing conditions. Many of these stories will never be told. But the people that dealt with these problems clearly learned to avoid use of sodium phosphate buffer for frozen protein solutions.
Stabilization of proteins against damage caused by the pH drop during freezing. Solution additives (e.g., sucrose) can help to stabilize proteins against acidification during freezing in the sodium phosphate, as well as help to inhibit buffer salt crystallization. So, sometimes you can "get away with" freezing proteins in sodium phosphate buffer, if the formulation is sufficiently stabilizing, the protein is robust against pH drops and/or the processing and solution conditions minimize buffer salt crystallization. The residence time of the protein in the acidified solution -- at high enough temperatures to allow protein degradation -- is also an important factor. But as noted above there can be unanticipated "surprises", when a system that was working well suddenly causing protein precipitation.
It is better to avoid these potential problems by never, ever freezing proteins in sodium phosphate buffer.
Is my formulation acidifying during freezing? It is impossible to predict the impacts of all of the relevant factors on the magnitude of acidification that will occur when a given formulation containing sodium phosphate is frozen. But, if you want to gain insight into how much acidification is occurring in a solution during freezing, storage and thawing, put some pH indicator dye in some samples. The visual results can be very informative! Watching a solution going from blue-green (pH > 7) to red (pH < 4) during freezing will help you realize that great acidification is occurring. And it is good way to illustrate the acidification problems to colleagues. It also works for freeze-dried formulations.
Pharmaceutical sciences
1 年Dear Professor, thanks for Very useful information.. Let me know the effect of amino acids as additives or stabilizers in phosphate buffers containing peptide solutions, what could be the interaction during freezing and thawing? Secondly, peptides are complex structures, with multi-positional interactions, how could we stabilize greatly, especially with phosphate buffers?
Eager graduate student curious about cellular phenotypic heterogeneity and metabolic compartmentalization and communication. Currently working on bioprocess engineering
2 年Really great article if you want to know some neat tricks to storing pure proteins!
RPA Developer | Process Automation | Full-stack Developer | Low-code | Power Apps | Power Automate
3 年Do you think this can be a problem for alkaloids as well?
3 年Is there any concern about the ph stability of the tris buffer at the -70C temps required to store the Pfizer vacc for ages 5-11? Could a ph-unstable buffering agent degrade the mrna causing autoimmune reactions?
Senior Director CMC DS/DP
3 年Very informative, thanks