Lessons Learned in March 2021

Lessons Learned in March 2021

This year I started the discipline of searching for and capturing one nugget of wisdom or a lesson learned each day.

Here are the best ones for March 2021:

  1. "Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn." - Lionel Richie
  2. A fear shared with someone who loves you diminishes its power.
  3. Putting unpleasant tasks off always makes them worse, adds guilt, and disaapoints others. Just get it done!
  4. Some of your worst, most destructive habits feel more comfortable than change.
  5. I think God would have us be cautious and reserved in our spending and generous and extravagant in our giving. Too often we reverse this and miss out on real joy.
  6. Never put something off assuming you'll have more energy later. You probably won't.
  7. Sometimes you have to chase a distraction for a while before you can concentrate again.
  8. Doing what you love in service to others rarely feels like work or sacrifice even though you may do both.
  9. Don't crticize or judge others for how they squander their time. You do it too, just in different ways.
  10. Bitterness and anger are often thinly veiled by humor.
  11. When you're truly thankful for something, you steward it well.
  12. Never pass up a chance to be a source of encouragement for someone else.
  13. "You have to feel free to go down roads that don't immediately lead anywhere." - Malcolm Gladwell


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