Lessons learned from Corona Pandemic
Addapa Sharath Kumar
Board Member, Corporate Governance,, Sustainability, CSR-Biz Dev, Mktg, P&L, Strategy,-Mgmt Consulting, Startup Advisory-Success.Motivational Speaker. Impactful 30 yrs of inclusive/transformational/Growth leadership .
The present corona pandemic taught us the following lessons I am sure you all will agree with me.
1- Nobody is superior in the world whether you have money, power, status no matter you can be at the mortuary I can infect anybody period. So be humble everybody requires more or less the same space to get a burial. Nature or in these case virus doesn't discriminate due to class.
2. Now you can't think in isolation I am ok my family is ok why the hell I shud think about others that's not at all sufficient you have to make sure in your own tiny way that your neighbours are healthy and similarly your apartment/colony/street/city/district/state/region/nation/continent and finally the world is healthy. Your thought process needs to be global. Think globally act locally.
3.The dignity of labour- esp the class 4 employees in our hospitals and sanitation workers in our municipalities. Today if you are alive they have a major role to play. So pls give them enough respect in future also.
4 For all those who say we don't have time to die also henceforth cant spent time with our family. Well, I always believed that ppl who say we don't have time is a huge bluff it is said more out of snobbery. You have every time to spend with ppl whom you want to spend time with. Now you are in a situation where you have to spend time with family only.I am sure many would have got the ping what I want to imply.
So if you feel you can add more learnings pls do and share.