Lessons Learned Delivering Technical Training

Lessons Learned Delivering Technical Training

When I was starting out as a technical instructor, I often wished there was some type of a clear cut guide that included step-by-step instruction on how to be an exceptional technical instructor? There was nothing of that sort that I was able to find in any bookstore or library. In order to become great at anything, I have learned, you must experience it first hand.

In this article, I want to list the proper way to start the very first morning of your very first day of your very first technical training class you are required delivering. The simple reason I chose to write this article is because I wish someone had written it for me to easily find when I was starting out. Here goes nothing:

1. Be well prepared:  I know this sounds a bit cliché but let me explain what I mean. I am not simply talking about being prepared to deliver the training, I am specifically stating that you need to be well prepared with the correct attitude to deliver the training. Keep in mind that even before you have spoken a single word, the fact that you are standing in front of the classroom ready to deliver the training permits everyone else taking the class to assume that you are the subject matter expert (SME). Everyone in the classroom will look to you for answers until the class collectively and quietly decides that you are not the SME they were hoping for. At which point you will have lost the respect of the class making it very difficult, if not impossible, for you to regain their trust during the short time you have before the class ends.

2. Do not toot your own horn: This is something I myself have fallen a victim to quite a few times very early in my career. Trust me when I say this, let the audience decide how well you know the topic you are teaching.  Stay focused on the subject matter and not on yourself or your skill set. Do not spend more than 2-3 minutes introducing yourself on the first day. Let the students get to know you "organically" by how well you are delivering the training, answering their questions, have command of the topic you are discussing, and by your ability to provide insight from your experience that is hard to find anywhere.

3. Take your own pulse: Several times each day, take your own "pulse" to determine how well you believe the class is going. Questioning students in the class several times during the day "How is everything going?" leads them to believe that you are doubtful of your own ability. It is best to allow members of the administration team, outside of the classroom, to ask everyone the state of the class. If you consistently stay focused on delivering the training well, everything else will work itself out. If you do not have enough confidence in your own ability to deliver a great class, you should not be in the position to lead the training.

4. Be Insightful: Breathe life into the topic you are discussing and provide as many demonstrations as possible. Everyone in the class is there to learn from you, not for you to read to them from a book. If you are not already aware, the students are completely capable of reading on their own. Your vast experience with the technology should allow you to provide incredible amount of insight your class is looking for and the primary reason they are attending the training. Keep in mind that your students did not need to be in the class if all you are going to do is read PowerPoint slides and have them complete labs. They would have been able to do that without taking the time to attend the class at all. Ask yourself this question often "How did I add value to the class today? Did I provide them with invaluable information in minutes that would have otherwise taken them countless hours or days of hands-on-experience to learn?"

5. Simplify, Simplify, Simplify: I cannot stress the importance of this enough. Simplify the topic your are discussing and demonstrate it in the best possible way you know how. No matter how difficult the technology, it is your job to show them how simple it really is. Do not further complicate what many articles and "how to" books have done already. It is quite possible that many members of your class have already tried to do what you are teaching them to do. They may have been unable to do it well, it may have taken too long, it may have frustrated them, been too difficult, and they may have learned using the "trial by fire" method. It is your responsibility to remove the myths and replace it with factual information. Demonstrate how easy it really is to do what they want with the least possible effort. Infuse concepts while demonstrating your technical mastery of the product. Make certain that by the time you are done showing them how to do something, they have an "ah-ha" moment and are excited about using it themselves.

Explain Everything: Explain every little detail of the topic you are discussing and do not leave anything out. Explain every shortcut, option, checkbox, tab, little-known menu option, and hidden secrets on how to do something better. Keep in mind again, you are the SME and as such you know things other members in the class do not know. They may know one way to do something whereas you may know a dozen ways to do it. Show them every possible way to complete a task with detailed explanations along with pros and cons of each method. Be the ultimate representative of the product and prove to them why it is the best thing since "sliced bread."

Have Fun: Yes, it is true that everyone is there to learn from you but it does not have to be a boring experience. Be engaging, entertaining, fun, and laugh as much as possible all while educating. Be easy going, patient, understanding, non-judgmental, kind, generous with your time, helpful, and most of all make certain that everyone in the class benefits from your experience. Think about the task that took you days to complete that should have taken much less time if someone had shown you how to do it the correct way. Be the friend that is looking over your shoulder showing you how it's done. Non-threatening, approachable, ready and willing to answer any question in amazing detail, always smiling, and having a great time.

Here is what I will say in conclusion, if you are truly the subject matter expert in the technology you are delivering the training for and know how to disseminate information well, you will leave a positive lasting impression and everyone in the class will have fun making the training a grand success it was meant to be.

Until next time, this is Rafiq Wayani signing off.

Arnold Vander Woude

Out of HI Tech - Still not Retired

7 年

Hello Ann, Excellent information. Thanks for sharing.

Darryn Van Den Berg

Creating eAssessment of Learning EcoSystems - and championing RPL. (Award winning ed-tech visionary, TedTalker)

7 年

Nicely written!!

Rafiq Wayani

Principal Architect | Customized IT Training Solutions

9 年

Glad you found it useful, Kevin!

Kevin Hay

Video producer

9 年

This is really good information Rafiq. Thanks for sharing.


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