Lessons in leadership through writing
Artistic vision and the bigger picture
I've always been a lone-wolf writer. It takes me about about 2 hours to settle behind my laptop and get cracking. There's a long build-up to the moment where I'm finally ready to sit-down and write.
SIDE NOTE: The best advice I was ever given was "block time not only for writing, but also for the time it takes you to sit behind your computer." If you ever struggle to get something done, this advice is a godsend.
Once I write, I'm in flow for a few hours. But while this writing ritual sounds fine enough. It's not complete. I like to be challenged. I want someone to look at my writing and ask: Why did you make those choices? Can you dive deeper? What are you really trying to say here?
For me, I need a balance of writing on my own + collaborative writing. However, it's difficult to find someone that wants to work towards the same thing I do. The broader story. The bigger picture. THE MESSAGE.
Hiring a director
I met my director when I did a story jam for the Netherlands Film Festival, and it turns out we followed the same storytelling circles. He reached out to me months later - out of the blue - wanting to work on a story together about Cupid and Psyche. And what do you know, that's exactly what I was working on as a basis for my show Always Aphrodite. So we met for coffee and instantly, we matched. I hired him because he was able to challenge my artistic vision.
Over one cup of coffee and banana cake, he was able to reflect back to me what was working and what was not. Originally, I made it very clear that I didn't need a writing partner, just a director. And at first, I was very possessive over the text - my baby! - but then I slowly learned to let go.
Leading together
I always thought I had the capacity to be a good leader. I can take charge easily and people feel comfortable to talk to me, but that was the extent of my analysis. I've never been employed as a leader and so, I hadn't thought of "What makes a good leader?" Certainly not in the context of creating the show.
After the first draft, it was clear that my script needed help. I gave it to my director and he marked it entirely in red. I was gutted, so in defence, my ego responded with: "no, we have to keep this because...x" or "This won't work..." or "I don't think you get what I mean..." But that response was getting us nowhere. Particularly the story that I really wanted to tell.
Eventually, I conceded and made the adjustments for 80% of what he asked. The second draft was born. Again, he marked it entirely in red and the defence mechanism arose. I made adjustments for 85%.
We're now on the 5th draft and have had two read-throughs, where we go through the script together and read it aloud to see what really resonates and what doesn't. What will get us closer to the message and our impact on the audiences?https://www.instagram.com/p/C5bGmUVIE-I/
I couldn't be more proud of our collaboration. In working together with my director, I realised that leadership comes from the ability to look at the bigger picture, and learn when to let go and when to take control. All of that contributing to the artistic vision. It also made me a better listener. There's a reason I hired him, so to dismiss choices (my immediate response) would be dismissing his creative interpretation of the show. And he's also learned to listen to me when I have to put my foot down, trusting my own artistic vision.
Working together is learning to lead ourselves and each other, inspiring one another to reach new heights.
Producing a show with a reflection on leadership
The story was always bigger than the both of us, and we have to make choices that fit the story - not our fragile egos. It's a mastery that I'm learning to master, and it flows with compromise and trust.
With every twist and turn on this producing journey, I'm discovering something new about how I want to lead and, what I want to create for the world/community.
Follow: instagram.com/alwaysaphroditexoxo for behind the scenes footage of making the show - Always Aphrodite, coming to Edinburgh in August and Amsterdam thereafter.