Lessons of history (2)
In my mind 7 facts were determinant in the unfolding of the history of art:
1. since the dawn of humanity art has acted as an instrument to strengthen societal cohesion
2. art by the men of knowledge under animism -versus- art by specialist craftsmen in power societies = a natural demand for sense by the community -versus- a meaning propaganda imposes on all
3. the transition from a religious to a modern paradigm in Early-Modernity consecrates the exceptionalism of art
4. the demise of the men of knowledge in High-Modernity versus the rise of science supplying bits of knowledge or "knowings" ==> separation of art - philosophy - science and their estrangement from the vital concerns of humanity
5. with Modernism artists lose the traditional supply of the content of their works and soon flounder in "whatever is art"
6. financialization definitely detached art from its historical function and as such art is dead
7. the transition from Modernity to After-Modernity, under sheer survival necessity, will resurrect the historical function of art
The arts in Late-Modernity have most probably reached the last stage of decay of an old cycle of life. They now are entering a transition period that will end with the birth of a new cycle in humanity's adventure.
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