Lessons from Tiva and Taylor: Integrating a New Dog into the Pack
Tiva and Taylor Bay look quite ferocious here, don't they? Tiva is our newest canine family member, and she is a one year-old English Pointer-ish little wackjob. Taylor is our six year-old Potcake pooch from the Caribbean (yes, that’s a real breed name in the islands).
But there’s no “ferocity” here at all. Tiva and Taylor aren’t fighting, this is a snapshot of classic canine “play” behavior. It lets dogs expend great amounts of energy, test each other for pack dominance, gain trust that they won’t be deliberately hurt by the other canine, and share the sheer joy of being dogs.
It took about three weeks for this to happen, and when it did, we were both happy and relieved. It meant that our new family member had now been fully accepted by our other two dogs and was being treated as a pack member, not an “intruder.” We still have lots of hard work ahead to teach Tiva how to be a good canine citizen in a human world, but our biggest worry is over. After all, until a new dog is accepted by his or her species mates, the family as a whole can’t be integrated. We may think we can “force” dogs to accept each other, but that’s up to them. We can perhaps keep them from fighting, but we can’t make them trust and like each other. Hence our relief that the barrier had been broken down among the three dogs and Tiva would be accepted.
If we get out of the way and let dogs be dogs, this is how they roll when they are bonded. Or should I say roll, tumble, snarl, growl, nip, and leap at each other? They run like the wind and collide like NFL linebackers with jaws agape. It’s a little like “pro wrestling” on TV, with lots of drama and noise, but usually no one gets hurt. Sure, there's a tiny little yelp once in a while, indicating that someone chomped down a little too hard, or stomped on a tender body part; in proper "fair dog" play, that yelp signal prompts the other dog to respectfully back off and let things cool down.
It makes us laugh out loud to watch their antics, and we marvel at their sheer speed and athleticism. What we are witnessing is a ritual that's been played out for literally thousands of years, a doggy dance that we can witness not only in our backyards, but with feral dogs and in the wild among wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, and all canines.
SHOULD YOU ADD ANOTHER DOG? For those considering adding a new dog to an existing human/canine family unit, there are a lot of things to think about. A family that has had one dog for a long time can become a wonderful new home for a second dog, and bring you even more joy and companionship. And it can be a huge benefit to the dogs if you make a good choice, because most dogs are happier and less stressed when living with at least one other dog. They long to interact with a safe and non-threatening member of their own species. Separation anxiety is almost unheard of in multi dog households, but is one of the most common causes of serious behavior problems in solo dog homes.
Those who really have a few screws loose (like myself and my wife, Clear Conscience Pet Co-Founder Amanda), may be living with two dogs and considering bringing in a third, as we did in December.
THE DECISION TO ADD A NEW DOG is one that should be made with a lot of forethought and caution. You don't want to bring a dog home and then have the gut wrenching experience of having to return that dog to the shelter because of failure to integrate into the household and adapt to the routine of the existing human and canine family. This failure can be caused by aggression from the new dog, destructive behaviors that literally can cost thousands to fix in your home, or fighting among the dogs.
SIX QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF BEFORE ADDING A NEW DOG: By no means is this article intended to discourage you from adding a new dog! Instead, look at it as a a "gut check" reminder. I am asking that, before adding another dog (or getting your first dog, for that matter) you first think seriously about it and decide if it's right for you and your family. Enter into this commitment as one should enter a marriage; with eyes wide open and the intention to MAKE IT WORK even when when its neither fun nor easy.
1- Can you afford the extra money for more food, toys, accessories, and of course the biggest obligation, proper veterinary care?
2- Can you patiently handle the extra demands on your time to walk, feed, play with, and clean up after a new dog?
3- Can you accept the inevitable housebreaking accidents and destruction of property that can come with a new dog? This is not to say that you should tolerate these things long term, or that you shouldn't intervene to prevent them! But unless you adopt a very mellow older dog, some of this will happen. So don't bring a dog into your home if the first chewed shoe will have you exploding with anger. That's bad for your health and the dog's future.
4- Will you work to properly and safely integrate the new canine with the current pack as the human guardian responsible for the safety of all the dogs?
5- Will you resist an impulsive decision and instead study your current dogs' behavior, lifestyle, energy level, and demeanor with other dogs before moving forward?
6- Will you very carefully choose a new dog that has the best chance to bond with your current canines?
TAKING THE PLUNGE WITH A NEW DOG: In our case, we acted a bit impulsively when bringing Tiva home from a local rescue. But the situation was unusual because of our being deeply involved in the pet care industry for 25 years and knowing the owner of a local rescue, training, and doggy daycare business who we trust and respect tremendously. She is a very knowledgeable dog person, an expert trainer, and she has rescued, raised, and trained very strong-willed working dogs for decades. She recommended Tiva knowing our dogs' personalities, and after carefully watching her interact with other dogs at the rescue. Tiva was a "go along and get along" girl, not a fighter or a strongly dominant dog. This would make successful integration far more likely to succeed.
BE CAREFUL WITH DOMINANT DOGS: Bringing a dominant or aggressive dog into a current dog-occupied household is work for an expert, not a family who may love dogs but who isn't experienced in advanced training. Do yourself, your current dogs, your family, and the new dog a favor by not bringing him or her into a situation in which he or she is being set up to fail. At the very least, there could be the sadness and guilt of realizing that this dog can't work as part of your family, and then having to return the dog for re-adoption after you have already bonded. In a worst case scenario, your current dogs and the new dog could be seriously injured if they decide to fight and you can't stop it.
CANINE COMPATIBILITY ASSESSMENT: If you have honestly answered "YES" to the tough questions above as to whether you have the time, money, patience, and tolerance of minor destruction to go ahead with a new dog, the next step is choosing the right one for your family.
1- Exercise caution and common sense- no hasty adoptions! . This means not making a one-visit impulsive decision. If you are drawn to a certain dog, as often happens, look at that as a starting point, not a final decision. Hopefully, the dog is in a situation where they have been observed for a while with other dogs and tend to get along with most or all of them.
2- SIZE MATTERS WITH DOGS! Use basic common sense when narrowing down your choices. Part of the potential for canine compatibility is based on the size, demeanor, and energy level of the new dog when compared to your current canine companions. It doesn't need to be a perfect match; little dogs and big dogs can be amazingly close friends. Rather, it's an "educated guessing game" based on physical realities with a little "DogDar" intuition thrown in. For example, is adding a two-pound pocket pooch like a toy breed to a home with two rambunctious 80 lb. Labs a great match? It might work, but it's less likely to allow free play and interaction. You'll wind up "babying" the little dog and the big guys will get the short end of the deal.
3- Assess the new dog's personality: Get the best feedback you can from everyone who knows the dog, from shelter managers to the volunteers who may have interacted with the pooch. This is tough, since dogs will act very differently when stressed, scared and lonely. They tug at our heartstrings from behind a crate door and seem meek and mild, but this evaluation is of little value in assessing what will happen when they are set loose in your home! The more you know, the better the chance of success.
4- Take a Walk on the Mild Side: Ask to take the dog for a safe and gentle walk on a secure lead with proper supervision of the current caregivers. Don't judge too harshly if the dog isn't a perfect canine citizen on a lead from minute one! Again, the dog is stressed and you are a new wild card in their already tumultuous lives. But the "test walk" is still a valuable part of an initial compatibility assessment.
5- Arrange a meet and greet between your dogs and the prospective adoptee. This should be done with complete supervision, initially at the place where the potential new dog is living. I don't recommend just walking the new dog into your house and letting him loose to contend with your dogs for the first meeting! As for the result, don't expect love at first sight! A successful meet is one where you see curious and cautious mutual canine interest without aggression. TIP: DON'T interpret a lot of barking and noise making at a first meeting as dealbreakers. Many dogs just love to raise a ruckus with new canine contacts. As long as its all bluster and "talk" with no aggressive action, it's not a sign of a mismatch. Be more wary when it seems too quiet, with circling and raised hackles, curled back lips, or other pre-fight behaviors.
5- DON'T FORGET ABOUT YOUR CAT or other pets. In all of the excitement of considering a new dog, did you forget about your cats, birds, or small animals? Remember to ask the "is she good with cats?" question. Sometimes, there isn't enough history to honestly and accurately answer, so you'll have to have this as part of your trial arrangement. (see below for trial arrangements and expectations)
6- If the meet and greet goes well, ask if you can arrange a visit at your home. If you can, offer to donate a little extra to the rescue for all of their extra time and effort. But be very wary of a rescue that has little time or concern for insuring compatibility and just wants you to "pick a dog, donate your money, and move on." That's a rescue that is thinking more of short term placement than achieving the goal of a permanent home for the dog who needs it.
7- Learn all about the adoptee's health status. Sometimes there are no records at all, and other times, you will get a complete history. As much as you might want to help a dog with serious health problems, which is very noble and I respect tremendously, make sure you know exactly what you are getting yourself into financially as well as emotionally. Again, you won't be helping the dog if you get 3 months in and decide you can't handle their needs.
TAKING THE PLUNGE WITH A NEW POOCH: If the dog stars align, you have taken all of the possible due diligence steps above, and you are feeling the "love bug" biting you for this new dog, you may decide to go forward. But attention, grownups! You're in charge. Not the kids, not the shelter manager, not your cousin Eddy. NO ONE ELSE CAN MAKE THIS DECISION BUT THE ADULT HEADS OF THE HOUSEHOLD. And if its one for, and one against, your heading for trouble down the road. Reach consensus with your spouse or significant other.
DONT GET FREAKED OUT BY "RESCUE DETECTIVES:" Reputable and conscientious shelters will ask you for a LOT of paperwork, and may seem a bit or even very intrusive. As long as they aren't taking it too far, being rude, or crossing privacy lines about your lifestyle and habits, try to be good-natured about it and realize that it's not "suspicion" personally directed at you, it's based on past events that establish good reasons to be cautious. Every rescue has had bad experiences with new guardians, so they are just trying to insure the best chance of a successful result for everyone.
THE TRIAL ADOPTION ARRANGEMENT: Just as you should be tolerant of questions about your suitability for the new dog, you have a right to get an ironclad understanding of your rights and the shelter's obligations. I believe that this should always include a reasonable brief trial period in which you can return the new dog before too much time has elapsed. One week is a fair minimum, and two weeks is a fair outer limit. This is not just for YOU, it is for the safety and well-being of the dog. Trial adoption isn't "borrowing a dog to hang out." It's only properly done with those who sincerely and wholeheartedly have decided to make a lifetime adoption commitment. If despite your best and most sincere efforts, things go drastically wrong, make the tough decision and return the dog to the shelter. Your broken heart is a small price to pay to give the dog a chance at finding the right home if yours is the wrong one.
ADVICE FOR THE FIRST FEW WEEKS AT HOME WITH A NEW DOG: These key guidelines will help to dramatically increase your chance of successfully integrating a new dog with your family pooch or pack!
1- GET A CRATE OR DIG OUT YOUR OLD ONE: With a new dog in the house, you should not hesitate to use a crate for the protection of your home and the safety of all of your dogs. When you are going out, don't leave a new dog roaming around your house. You'll know when that's safe, but it will be at least a few months in most cases before you should grant house freedom without supervision to a new canine family member. If you are a believer in the notion that crating a dog safely and securely is "cruel," reassess your thinking. Even if you followed all of the other recommendations here, without a crating arrangement available, your outcome potential just plummeted from 80% successful to maybe 20% at best.
2- FEED AND TREAT NEW DOGS SEPARATELY AND CAREFULLY: The biggest potential conflicts between current and new dogs is usually around food and treats. Again, use common sense. Feed your new dog in a separate and safe place away from the current dogs. Do this until they all get used to each other and can civilly go to their bowls and eat without food fears causing a doggy dinnertime dust-up. When giving treats, use it as a learning opportunity for the dogs and try to get everyone to be polite. Make the new dog last in line as you hand out the treats or chews. TIP: LOWER CARB FOOD AND TREATS MAKE DOGS LESS HYPER. Foods that are high in meat protein, low in carbs, and grain-free will give dogs more even energy and help to prevent hyperactivity. Use low carb treats and naturally healthy chews like our award-winning Clear Conscience Pet CleanLabel Lamb Airy Bites and Lamb Airy Bark treats, or our rugged Beef Trachey Chewz, and Lamb Trachey Chewz that help to occupy dogs and satisfy their chewing instincts with no chemicals or synthetic ingredients.
3- IT'S OK TO PLAY FAVORITES WITH YOUR CURRENT CANINES: While your instinct may be to show the current dogs that the newbie is welcome by being effusively affectionate in their presence, it's the wrong way to go. You'll be giving them a reason to distrust the new kid in town. Too much fawning over the new arrival could cause intense jealousy and protectiveness that will cause your dogs to initiate guarding behavior or even aggression to keep the new dog away from you. After all, you beling to your dogs as far as they are concerned! Instead, make it clear that you care for and intend to make a home for the new dog by your actions as well as a kind voice and demeanor. Go ahead and reassure your established dogs by being especially affectionate and attentive (without going over the top!). Of course, there's no harm in sneaking in some hugs and belly rubs with your adorable new pooch when you can do so privately without getting the others jealous!
GROW AND LEARN AS A TEAM: Take advantage of this new beginning to review your nutritional options, enroll in obedience classes with your dogs, and get more active exercising with your dogs if they are the active type and not couch potatoes. This will keep all of the dogs and yourself healthier!
Congratulations and thank you for saving a dog. Too many any times, I hear it said that there are just so MANY dogs that need homes, what can anyone do about it? How can you make a difference in all of those dog's lives? But the answer is really quite simple. You can make an enormous difference in ONE dog's life by making the commitment and opening your heart, home, and wallet to a new dog. And by thinking it through and doing it the right way, you've given this new dog much more than a place to live and food to eat. You've given this new dog the greatest gift that a human can offer a dog: a forever home, with a loving and bonded family of both human and canine pack mates, for LIFE.
Anthony Bennie is the multiple award-winning Founder and Chief Nutrition Officer of Clear Conscience Pet?. He is also a frequently published writer on pet health and nutrition and has been a seminar leader and speaker at numerous pet industry trade shows as well as natural products and human health food industry events.
A 25-year industry veteran who helped to pioneer the natural pet nutrition movement, in 2015 he was named a “Pet Industry Icon,” one of only 25 individuals worldwide so designated by independent experts and the editorial board of Pet Age magazine.
He is a frequent guest on radio and TV as a pet care expert, and he and his Co-Founder Amanda Bennie are the Co-Hosts of “Bennie and the Pets,” an irreverent and revealing podcast about pets and the pet care business. Anthony writes frequently in consumer and trade publications. His new book, “Confessions of a Dog Food Salesman,” is slated for release in early the Fall of 2017.
Clear Conscience Pet has been honored with 14 Awards for excellence and innovation in animal nutrition, including the aforementioned Icon Award, the 2016 Pet Insight Vanguard Award, the 2015 Pet Food and Animal Nutrition 2.0 "Innovation Award," and the 2015 Pet Product News “Editor’s Choice Award.”
Contact: [email protected]
Founder/Chief Nutrition Officer: Clear Conscience Pet, LLC
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