Of the fragile things in life, it is common cause that materials like glass can break easily if mishandled. Relationships are equally fragile and require handling with care. However, one has to be aware that even those things which are well looked after and nurtured can equally break and die. It’s not your fault sometimes. Sometimes one is responsible for such eventualities, whether accidentally or intentionally. If a relationship is meant to be it will be. If it's meant to break, it will break. If it’s forever, forever it will be. But my grandma taught me that, nothing lasts forever!

If it’s time to end a relationship, change that business partnership or to leave that job, fate can allow anything to happen whichever way, whether you like it or not. Just learn to accept that some things that happen in life cannot be changed. Neither are you supposed or obligated to please everyone. Just do your best regardless! Whilst you are at it, follow grandpa's advice to never put all your eggs in one basket. Diversity of income streams, sources of help and diversity of people that speak into your life matters. 

The life we live and in fact the breath in us is equally so delicate. One moment you are blooming, without a care or worry, the next moment you whittle out, lose your zest and you are gone. Sometimes you are given no time to put your house in order, and you find yourself losing everything you have worked for. Or worse still, you can suddenly stop breathing just like that. The consolation is that every living thing is meant to die at some point. As the cliché goes, nothing lasts forever. Even the built to last products, waste away at some point. The question is, when that time comes, would you have lived well? Is a legacy going to be left by yourself? Or are you going to be just a picture in a photo album, that is if you even care to get pictures taken! The big question is, is your life well lived now? Are you happy and content with your words, thoughts and actions? If not, it's never too late to get direction from those who have fallen, dusted themselves up and tried again. It would be regrettable to read an epitaph which reads, " here lies xyzzy, s/he never tried, lost all hope & died!

In a risk management class, I once heard that life is full of risks and opportunities. When you decide to do something , there are forces that will propel you to your best of achievements. When it your time to be among the shining stars, shine even brighter and allow your light to benefit others. Be aware however, that there will be people whether natural or juristic who will definitely oppose you at some point. Not everyone gets excited about your success and achievements.

There are people as well principalities and powers that may just be committed to witnessing your loss, pain and suffering. There are people who specialize in bringing others down. These are known as holders of PHDs, ( Pull him or her Down Syndrome). These are those who specialise in killing any hope and enthusiasm in you. They discourage every idea of yours and are quick to laugh at your every fall. They never cease to find fault or go snooping to the extent of excavating your past and bring it into the public light just so to spite you and damage your reputation. The longer you care about such energy sappers and hang around them, the more you will feel inadequate, unworthy, unable & with nothing to offer. 

Guess what, little do your cunning enemies realise that change is the only constant. Decide now whose voice you want to listen to. Switch off some voices, choose activities & people who build you. Be around people who will tell you the truth in love. In all that, remember relationships are fragile. Even though they break, never sit there and wallow in regret and self-pity. Get up and write your own script. In-fact highs and lows of life make the rhythm of living a symphony!

Friend, you can’t be someone you are not. You can get excited and feel inspired to be like the other person, but it’s highly unlikely for you to be them. Be yourself. Disabuse you from copying others. Original is always prodigious! And, never stop being thankful for every chance life gives you whether through a painful experience or otherwise. Have a learning attitude. Be thankful in little, be thankful in much. Be thankful when you go through various trials and tribulations. The important word there is ‘through’. Seasons change. In your winter moments, remember to pray without ceasing. In your summer times, remember to store up and invest wisely. Have fun but be responsible. Remember without warning, things do change. Shun laziness and gossip. A great reward awaits him who sows in tears. Reaping is with plenteous joy. When harvest time has come, please do share with the poor, the widows and the maimed. It is through giving that we discover our greatest intangible blessings & success. 

l urge you to do your risk mapping to everything you do, say or think. Classify them into high, medium and low risks and then spell out your strategies to manage such. I said, life offers us opportunities too. Open your eyes and heart to see those. One door closing does not mean no windows are open. The sky is not the limit, your mindset is. As far as your eyes or imagination can see, is the extent of your progress in life. Whatever you set your mind to do, do it with diligence. Never stop dreaming, taking action and trying new things. Encourage yourself daily. Work on your faith levels, tangibilize the intangible. And remember that, whatever relationship breaks or dies, let go and never be left with regrets. 

There is a time for everything under the sun. Now, is that time for me or perhaps you too, to reflect and ponder about things, opportunities, lessons, failures & relationships gained and lost in the journey of life. After all is said and done, my hope is to inspire myself & others to be the best version of self.


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