Lessons from Naval Ravikant
I read The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson. Takeaways:
Time is the most important thing: Minimize the time spent on worthless stuff. Maximize the time spent on worthy stuff. Learn to have good judgment so you can earn with your mind rather than your time to achieve exponential growth instead of linear growth.
Assets save time by earning money when you sleep: Get wealthy by giving society what it wants but does not yet know how to get, at scale. Acquire specific knowledge, which cannot be taught but can be learned and can often form by combining what you love to do together.
First principles are the base of decision-making: Getting crystal clear on foundations is more important than knowing hyperspecialized advanced knowledge. Base judgments on first principles by reading the greats in science and philosophy.?
Happiness: Read a lot, be truthful to yourself, discover yourself, and be yourself. If that's too abstract, start with this practical formula: Happiness = Diet + Exercise + Sleep.
Reference: Jorgenson, E. (Ed.). (2020). The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: A guide to wealth and happiness. Naval Ravikant. Retrieved from https://www.navalmanack.com/