Lessons from a manic week of campaigning for dentistry!!

Lessons from a manic week of campaigning for dentistry!!

Today sees front-page coverage once again of problems in accessing dental care for medical card patients. Advocating for better dental care for all our community is a vital role discharged by the Irish Dental Association. So what did we learn from the most recent media campaign which began on the eve of our annual conference? Association chief executive, Mr Fintan Hourihan, offers his thoughts.

The week stretching from Wednesday, April 24th embraced a hugely successful and energetic IDA Annual Conference and an appearance before the Oireachtas Joint Health Committee lasting well over two hours. That week represented possibly the greatest ever blizzard of media and political chat about dentistry, thanks to the efforts of the Association. So, what did we learn from the busiest of busy weeks?

1.???? The public values oral health

Firstly, the public truly values oral health. Front page newspaper reports and live RTE coverage from our conference as well as an endless round of radio and newspaper interviews shows that those who are paid to measure public interest recognise that oral health matters. It was hardly a coincidence that a short notice invitation to appear before the Oireachtas Joint Health Committee landed in the same week.? I have regularly been told that the media is not interested and asked why can’t we get more attention paid to our concerns? The appetite for discussion on oral health is there. It takes hard work to secure the coverage but it can be done.

2.???? Patient Stories are Key

Compelling data is vital to persuading the option leaders to read the headlines in a press release. What makes the connection is a real human story behind the message. That is why the media wants use to provide real case studies and why we work to hard to meet their needs. We owe a great debt to every patient or parent who agrees to share their story.

3.???? What a strong team of advocates IDA has built!

Putting forward an empathetic dentist is vital to so many of our successful media campaigns. The profession is blessed to have so many great advocates tor better oral health. It would be invidious to name them but we had half a dozen dentists step forward in recent times and they all did a great service for the profession. They deserve your support and thanks. If you want to join the team then contact us and we will provide you with the training.

4.???? Politicians Respond to Media

It is self-evident that the politicians respond to the media; sometime, it seems they only respond to the media. The blizzard of media activity prior to our Oireachtas Committee hearing meant that politicians were engaged, informed, and persuaded to investigate the calls we were making to improve access, to increase capacity in terms of dental staff, and to legislate to protect patients.

5.???? Combining our Efforts with Dental Council is Powerful

Being asked to appear before the Health Committee alongside the Dental Council was a first. Understandably, the Dental Council focussed its submission on the need to update the existing dental legislation, a case we also made, but in the cross-examination members of the Council delegation were also asked to comment beyond their traditional boundaries. In all instances, we spoke ad idem and this was important. We need to build a strong coalition on its own merits but also to dispel the efforts of some to characterise the Association as being unrepresentative or unrealistic.

6.???? Opposition will challenge as well as support us

Usually, we expect Opposition TDs to latch onto criticisms we make of the governing administration and Government party TDS to seek to defend the ruling parties. A feature of the Oireachtas hearing was the challenge from Sinn Fein’s Deputy David Cullinane when he asked what the Association was doing to deal with the crisis in providing care to medical card patients. While a minority might ask why we bother, the truth is we cannot afford to ignore the fact that large numbers in our community cannot see the dentist.

7.???? Data and Evidence is Essential

We know that the Department and the HSE collect very little in the way of meaningful data relating to dentistry. Piecing together information provided in a parliamentary question with published information on the numbers of school children in our primary schools meant that the Association could provide shocking data on the numbers of children denied a screening by the HSE public dental service. Without the work of the Association, those shocking figures would never have seen the light of day or made front page headlines.

8.???? Private Dentists Are Strongest Supporters of Public Dentists

Having represented doctors and dentists for over 25 years, I know how intimidating the HSE can appear to be towards those who comment publicly on shortcomings in the care provided to children and vulnerable adults. As Association members they are entitled to comment publicly but it is not easy. The strong support for HSE dentists and the public dental service by so many private dentists is greatly appreciated by colleagues in the public service and shows we are stronger together speaking with one voice for the whole profession.

9.???? Shock at Lack of CPD Rules was Palpable

The shock in the reaction of Deputy Neasa Hourigan to the lack of mandatory CPD and competence assurance for dentistry was palpable. Let us hope that this is reflected in support for badly needed legislative reform in this area.

10. This is an ongoing campaign

The decision of Deputy Roisin Shortall and the Social Democrats to move a strongly worded private members’ motion on dentistry is very welcome. The fight continues and we are determined to continue that fight.

We need your support too. If you care about dentistry, join us today and let us ensure that your patients receive the care they deserve and that dentistry is the profession we all strive to see grow and flourish. Dentists in Ireland deserve a rewarding and fulfilling career – if you agree, then get involved with the IDA today.


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