Lessons from Letting Go: My Head Shaving Story

Lessons from Letting Go: My Head Shaving Story



I hope you're well and things are positive in your world!


As you may have seen on LinkedIn, I shaved my head a few weeks ago, and boy was it a tough decision to make!


Over the last few years my hair has not only got thinner, but also started to creep further and further back from my forehead.


With pretty much all bald males in my family, I knew my destiny was to be without hair, but I was definitely hanging on and was quite scared about what I may face when it's all gone, especially knowing it was unlikely I'd be able to grow back!


Anyway, I don't want to talk anymore about my shiny egg head, but I do want to talk about what I learnt through this whole experience, so here are some head shaving lessons that may resonate with you!


Taking Control


A victim mentality is not the one to have, and it's a horrible place to be in when it feels like things are happening to you rather than for you.


In all honesty it feels quite powerless, but fortunately you do have the opportunity to focus on what you can do rather than what you can't do, and taking any sort of action will get you out of this rut.


The options for me were a) hair transplant, b) Shave it all of, or c) Stop complaining and get on with it, and honestly, once I'd made a decision and taken power back into my own hands, it felt amazing!


It almost replicated the feeling I had when I quit my job to become a coach, knowing that I had stood up and said I'm not doing this anymore and took some action, even if I wasn't certain and it felt risky.


Who Really Matters


This whole episode also really put things into perspective about who's thoughts and opinions actually matter to me.


The only person who's opinion I was really concerned with was my partners, and that's because she is the one who has to look at me the most, so I made sure she was the first person who saw it.


Fortunately she loved it, and that immediately settled me, knowing that the person who's most important to me was onboard.


I'm pleased to say pretty much everyone liked it, but it's also quite a relief to know that even if the majority didn't, I don't think I'd actually care, which is a great reminder for me to take forward in all aspects of my life.


It's Not That Big of a Deal


There was a bit of making a mountain out of a molehill during this event, because at the end of the day, it's just hair, and once the whole thing was done I realised it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.


We've all been here right, making a much bigger deal out of something than we need to, only to find out that it was fine.


It's like the person who cries and screams about going on a rollercoaster, only to do it, get off and want to do it again.


This really got me thinking about how many other things I blow out of proportion in my life, and how knowing that it usually isn't that big a deal should help me start to worry less and take more action, and also waste less energy on things that don't warrant it.


Time to Inspire


The other big driver of me doing this was knowing how many others are in a very similar position to me, and being someone who always talks about leading from the front, I also try my very best to walk the walk.


My hope is that by me taking the leap and sharing the experience it will encourage anyone else who's been bothered by something similar to think about taking control themselves, and I'm pleased to say I've already had a handful of great conversations about this topic with people who are in the same place I was.


It's so easy to forget how our actions can influence others, and sometimes thinking less about what something will do for you, and more about how this could positively impact others is a great guide for action.


I'm hoping I've done a good job of turning a simple haircut story into something that adds value, and I hope there is something that you will take away from this.

Quote for the week


“I am no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I am changing the things I cannot accept.”

- Angela Y. Davis



How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

Dale Carnegie


'Worry affects everyone and descends with ease upon work, money, family life and relationships. This book offers practical strategies for breaking out of this destructive habit, before it breaks you. Dale Carnegie shows how worry has been conquered by thousands, some famous, but most just ordinary people, and offers practical suggestions for leading a more positive and enjoyable life. Worry-free tips include:

- Fundamental facts you should know about worry - A magic formula for solving worry situations - How to eliminate fifty per cent of your business worries - Seven ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness - How to keep from worrying about criticism - Six ways to prevent fatigue and worry - Personal tips from those who have conquered worry Try his methods today and this book could change the way of your future.'


I felt this would be a good recommendation to follow the topic in the main text of this newsletter as worrying is something we all do.


This book is a really simple and clear read, full of practical tips that will be of huge value to you if you're someone who worries often.


Dale Carnegie is one of my favourite authors as I love how he writes, how he easily breaks down topics, and also for the simple to remember structure of that book which highlights lessons at the end of each chapter.


I've lent this book out lots of times, so this may be a positive next read for you!

Life Hack


Ditch the Caffeine!


Next month marks 2 years of me being caffeine free, and honestly, it's been great.


The biggest impact it has had is firstly creating much more stable energy levels, meaning there's no highs or lows through the day because I'm not getting the caffeine high followed by the crash.


And secondly, it's forced my hand to take control of other more holistic areas of my life, meaning I have to stay on top of my sleep, hydrate and eat well, and find natural ways to keep my focused and energised, like my morning sea dips.


I still drink coffee because I like the taste and I love the ritual of making it, but it's always decaf which honestly tastes no different!


Are you willing to try a period of no caffeine? Maybe a week, 2 weeks, a month?


It's also good to reset your caffeine tolerance so is worth it even if it's short term!?

How can I help you?

If you want to hear more about what I do and how you can work with me, send me a DM or email me at?[email protected]

I hope you have a fantastic week, and I'll be back in your inbox next week!



