Lessons from Lasso: 5 Leadership Lessons That Will Transform Your Business

Lessons from Lasso: 5 Leadership Lessons That Will Transform Your Business

Hi SUMMIT Climbers,

If you’ve seen Ted Lasso, you know that it's more than just a show about football (or soccer, for my American friends ??). It's a masterclass in leadership, teamwork, and human connection. Every episode is a reminder of the power of kindness, curiosity, and authenticity—values we hold dear at SUMMIT-South Manchester.

As leaders, we can learn a lot from Coach Lasso and how he transforms not only his team but also himself and the broader Richmond community. Today, I want to share how Ted embodies our five core values and how you can apply these lessons to your own business.

1. Be Yourself – Authentically You, Uniqueness and All

Ted Lasso is unapologetically himself. He steps into a world he knows nothing about—Premier League football—with his Kansas charm, dad jokes, and relentless optimism. He doesn't pretend to be something he's not, and because of this, people are drawn to him. With an endless catalogue of stories to help illustrate his points he builds strong connections with his team and the media. Sure, he's flawed, but it's his quirks and authenticity that make him a great leader.

The lesson here: As business leaders, it’s essential to bring our true selves to the table—flaws, craziness, and all. Trying to be someone you're not doesn't build trust or connection, it’s also really hard work and draining! Like Ted, embrace your uniqueness. People follow leaders who are genuine. Remember, your individuality is your strength, and showing your human side helps build deeper relationships with your team and customers.

2. Be Together – Care for Others, Collaborate, and Welcome Everyone In

One of the most powerful moments in Ted Lasso is when Ted’s team truly comes together. Remember the locker room "Believe" poster that Ted hangs up? It’s not about tactics or strategy; it’s about creating a sense of belonging, teamwork, and shared purpose. Ted fosters a culture where every player, from the star Roy Kent to the inexperienced Nate, feels valued. He turns a disconnected group into a unified team, not by focusing on winning games, but by building relationships.

The lesson here: Businesses thrive when they create a strong sense of community and collaboration. At SUMMIT, we believe that success comes from working together, supporting one another, and fostering an inclusive environment. Whether it’s your team or your customers, care for others and always make room for collaboration. When everyone feels valued, that’s when the magic happens.

3. Be Curious – Always Ask: What Else Is Possible?

Ted is always learning. He doesn’t know much about football and takes 3 seasons to master the offside rule, but instead of letting that hold him back, he remains curious. One of my favourite scenes (spoiler alert) is when he challenges Rupert to a game of darts to stop him being in the Richmond members box. He says people have underestimated him all his life, but he realised that was their failure for not being curious enough. Meanwhile, Ted asks questions, tries new approaches, and constantly looks for ways to improve both himself and his team. When things go wrong (and they do), Ted doesn’t dwell on the failure—he uses it as an opportunity to explore new possibilities.

The lesson here: Curiosity is the foundation of innovation. Ask yourself: What could we be doing better? How can we create a bigger impact? Whether you're looking for new ways to grow your business or improve your team’s performance, being curious opens the door to endless possibilities. At SUMMIT, we encourage leaders to constantly question the status quo and explore new opportunities for growth.

4. Be Brave – Step Into the Unknown with Confidence

Ted’s entire journey in Ted Lasso is a testament to bravery. He steps into a foreign land, takes on a role he's never done before, and faces criticism from nearly everyone around him. But Ted doesn't let fear hold him back. He leans into uncertainty with confidence and resilience. One of his most memorable lines is, "I believe in hope. I believe in ‘Believe.’" That unwavering belief in himself and his team, even in the face of doubt, is what drives him forward.

The lesson here: In business, we’re often faced with situations that push us out of our comfort zone. Whether it’s launching a new product, taking your business in a new direction, or navigating uncertain times, bravery is key. Be confident in your ability to handle whatever comes your way and remember that stepping into the unknown is where real growth happens. At SUMMIT, we support leaders in being brave enough to embrace the unknown and pursue opportunities that lead to extraordinary results.

5. Be the Difference – Move from Ordinary to Extraordinary

Ted doesn’t just want his team to be good; he wants them to be extraordinary. He pushes them to reach their potential, not just as athletes, but as people. From spotting Nathan’s coaching abilities to mentoring Jamie Tartt on teamwork to helping Roy Kent embrace a leadership role, Ted helps everyone rise above mediocrity. His leadership inspires his team to be better, to make a difference in each other’s lives, and ultimately, to make an impact on and off the pitch.

The lesson here: It’s easy to settle for “good enough,” but the real magic happens when you push for more. As leaders, we have the power to make the difference between ordinary and extraordinary, both in our businesses and in the lives of those we work with. At SUMMIT, we believe in making a difference by leading with purpose, striving for excellence, and empowering those around us to be their best selves. Be the difference. Make the difference.

Closing Thoughts:

Ted Lasso shows us that leadership is about heart, resilience, and authenticity. It’s not about having all the answers, but about being brave enough to step forward, curious enough to ask the right questions, and kind enough to build a community where everyone can thrive.

At SUMMIT, these are the values that guide us as we help businesses grow the right way—by putting people first and ensuring good growth. So, whether you’re running a company, leading a team, or managing a project, remember these lessons: Be yourself, be together, be curious, be brave, and be the difference.

What's Next?

Well aside from rumours of a 4th series, if you're ready to embrace these values and transform your business, get in touch with us today. Let's start building your roadmap for good growth, one that makes a difference for both your people and your profits.



Founder Bursary Assessment Associates * Non exec Director

1 个月

Loving Lasso and wholeheartedly agree!

Barbara Lunnon

Business Coaching and Mentoring | Management Drives Practitioner | Strategic and Operational Marketing | 30 years B2B marketing in food & ingredients | Chartered Marketer, MCIM, DipM.

1 个月

Picking up on point 4: leaders don't need to know how to do what their team do. I would argue that sometimes it's better they DON'T have personal experience. It stops them from thinking they could do better than their team. Leaders don't need to be experts in the doing - they are there to facilitate others doing better, to remove the obstacles and provide the support - not to 'teach' them how to do their jobs.

Sara Wadsworth

Head of Marketing

1 个月

Brilliant Kerrie!

Richard Webster

Copywriter, Content Writer, Brand Voice Creator. Often mutters things like, “That doesn’t need an apostrophe.”

1 个月

Awesome work Kerrie. Be more like Ted!


