Lessons from a Christian Soldier: Continuous Learner
We have come a long way since spears and stones were used for warfare. The world of warfare has evolved throughout the ages. Those who kept up or set the pace, became world leaders. The challenge to continuous learning is in every field and season of life. It is no less necessary in the business world.
In II Timothy 2:15 we read, " Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." The call to continual learning exists in the life of the believer. It exists in the life of the Christian businessperson as a byproduct. How does it translate into the business world? Let's take a look.
First, we see the word "approved" jumping off the page. To be approved by our peers, colleagues, clients, and mentors would completely change our attitudes. Approval of others is a basic need in the business world. If people don't approve, you have no market. Somebody's purchase is the same as saying they agree they need what you have to offer as much as you believe they do. The power of Affirmation in the lives of people has long been documented. Positivity changes lives. (See this week's coming article on the life of Joseph for Biblical proof of that.)
Secondly, look at the word "workman". Anyone who wishes to continue to develop their education will have to put work in. Whether you went to college, a trade school, or straight to the workforce - you were challenged to learn new things that didn't come easy. Long nights, hard work, and endless cups of coffee or soda define those days. Anything worth having comes at a price. Knowledge is no different. The value is, as Francis Bacon said, "Knowledge is power." Power means opportunity. Opportunity is the currency of success.
Next, we see the phrase, "needeth not be ashamed". Nothing is more defeating than when someone puts you to an open shame. If this verse gives us any clue, shame appears to sometimes be a byproduct of not being approved and not having ample knowledge in a matter. I will take a non-charismatic salesman with a vast product knowledge over a charismatic salesman with no knowledge of his product. The one with knowledge protects his employer and his potential client. The other does neither.
Finally, we see the phrase, "rightly dividing". The business world hangs precipitously on any number of decisions made daily. Knowledge helps to make the decision, to rightly divide the options. If you could have an endless supply of correct answers for all the questions your business day throws at you, could you even put a value on it? Yet, most do nothing to get the answers before they are needed.
Success in war boils down to technology and strategy advances through history that have been implemented. No army of knights will ever defeat today's military with its guns, tanks, and planes. Success in business often boils down to continuous education. Those who put in the time, get the reward. That being said, "PRESS ON to the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."