Lessons from #12thFail
The real mimics the reel
When in the last attempt of the interview for IPS , was asked if he does not get selected to what would he do then.. Paying the price of telling the truth that he failed how and why he could not cheat in exams
Manoj ,the candidate ,said that getting selected is not the ultimate objective. But what after having won the job . If not selected , he would go back to village to be a teacher to tell the tender mind that cheating is not the way to make a career.. When the new generation emerges that cheating by politicians will be questioned who are notorious with fudge degrees and marksheet. That is why politicians to divert the issue rake up religion based issue of divisive politics
That triggered the moments with Jasbir Singh IPS
A cop came to my office and said that his boss Superintendent of Police wishes to meet me .
What the hell and now what ? Getting calls from cops is beginning of another set of issues. Wanted to talk to him.. Those days there were no mobile.. Then said that Jasbir wants to come to my office and wanted a time to be fixed.. Wild anxiety ran through me .
For the first time , saw sniffer dog and advance cop to sanitize my office. Then at the appointed time came a convoy of cops outside. The staff was shitting bricks . There was curious crowd outside
Emerged in the black car was a puny Daarji . Really ? There sure has to be some prank.
In the closed office we started the conversation .. I was the privileged internet user of WiproBT internet then in a nascent stage of late 90s. Jasbir wanted to share the gory details of corruption and cheating in the police regime . Shocking is a mild word . Jasbir started his career when in campus Punjab. It was the peak of the Khalistan insurgency . He was recruited as decoy counter spy.. Nurtured by KPS Gill and Julio Ribeiro to see the end of insurgency. Jasbir made forays to Pakistan and Afghanistan.. The brat even circumcised to not get caught.. He became a successful informer to see the insurgents were eliminated.
But after the insurgency was over . Jasbir was on the hit list of terrorists.. He was transferred to UP cadre to be safe.. But then started his another journey when he took on the Political mafias . Fear was not in his DNA.. He himself went as decoy to expose the gun running of AK 47 in Morena. But the rot of police mafia was that in MP was assaulted and dress was torn and intimidated. The CM then got him transferred again and again.. Till he vanished .. Don’t know where he is now.. Lost all the connect . Last heard was in somewhere in NE states and must have retired perhaps
Coming back to 12 th Fail movie .. That is so surrealistically true. Once the why of job winning is clear, then how will fall in place. Its NOT the “job” but a “responsibility”. The job is a misnomer to give a false sense of insecurity of salary on the first of month. But becomes insecure when losing the job .
Must watch 12 th Fail that cheating and fudging cut paste resume with self praise adjectives is a recipe of disaster.. Sheer vanity of degree and mark sheets score are frills
What one wants to be an asset to the hiring company and market place or the society around has to be there . No need to seek validation and glory of rewards with salary hike
Be the real Manoj Sharma , IPS as a role model of gentleman