Lessons From 10 Trips Around the Sun
Have a look. My birthday wish is that you gain one tiny insight or shift that will make YOUR next 10 trips around the sun even better!
My life 10 years ago...
Running from “thing” to “thing”. Unconscious.
Moments of questioning. Fleeting thoughts I couldn't hold.
Chasing all the things I thought I needed or wanted.
Questions beginning to swirl about my end game.
Stressing over devices made of cheap plastic, chipsets and “ship dates”.
Crying on the 156th street ramp and into the parking lot each morning.
Swimming until my arms fell off.
Numbing the thoughts. Drowning “the voices”, especially the voice of enough.
My life today…
Present. Awake. Grounded. I can't remember the last time I ran or swam.
Stillness filled with intense peace and deep understanding.
Feeling content, happy, joyful and full of life.
I have so much giving in me, so much space to hold others. I never knew this kind of love.
“The voices” are distant friends. Replaced by intense freedom.
Filled with deep love and the true knowing of what matters.
The next 10 trips will be even better, I cant wait!