Lessons in Formulation

Lessons in Formulation

At this year’s PharmaSci360, our team got to attend and learn from fascinating formulation and delivery talks from experts exploring the future of nanomedicine, and meet great people like Regina Melo , pictured above.?

Here are a few takeaways from the talks we attended!

Unraveling Nanomedicine Complexities: Anti-Inflammatory Immunomodulation and Biomolecular Corona Immunogenicity Dissected

Dr. Pearson’s talk was about using nanomedicine in sepsis recovery. Sepsis is difficult to treat because both the pro and anti-inflammatory immune response are activated. This results in both cytokine storm and apoptosis-induced immunosuppression, which have to be treated simultaneously.

Dr.Pearson’s lab uses a three-pronged approach to address this:

1. Cytokine and acute phase protein sequestration

2. Multimodal modulation of myeloid cell

3. Multiomics nanoparticle approach.

Example Liposome that can be a base for a lipid nanoparticle


The first approach used plant derived lipid nanoparticles to work on treating stroke.

?Barrier or Target?: Delivery of Mitochondria-Containing Extracellular Vesicles to the BBB

Dr. Manickam’s talk was about targeting the blood brain barrier while treating stroke patients. Stroke damages a patient’s mitochondrial health. Mitochondria aren’t just the powerhouse of the cell,? they also process a variety of inputs and tells the cell how to use energy optimally.


Brain Endothelial Cells are a good target after stroke because BECs secrete trophic factors that are neuroprotective, so protecting the BBB protects other cells as well. BECs also have 5x more mitochondria than other endothelial cells. This approach was able to move towards better treatment for stroke.

Speaker Spotlight: Lifecycle Management Strategies for Liposomal Formulations

Dr. Ramapuram spoke about lifecycle management to extend a product’s life in the market. This covered strategies like formulation, indication and combination. This extends the product’s life beyond the patent expiry, and the most popular option is a new formulation. This also offers an opportunity to improve the efficacy and safety of a medication.

Thank you to American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) | @aapscomms for helping us learn so much about nanomedicine! We’ll see you next year.



