Lessons In Fatherhood
Dr. Will Moreland
As a global leadership consultant, civility expert, and accomplished speaker, I am passionate about empowering organizations and individuals to achieve greatness through culture, leadership, and personal development.
Over the years I have been given many titles. But one of the titles I'm most grateful for is that of FATHER. I became a father 21 years ago and to be honest, I wasn't prepared. My wife and I talked about having children, but I can't remember receiving a manual on being a father. When I say I wasn't prepared, I'm not talking about changing diapers and waking up in the middle of the night, I'm talking about the emotional energy it takes to raise a child.
My goal was always to raise a child that would grow up and be a productive member of society. Didn't know exactly how I was going to accomplish that, but hey, at least I had a goal.
Being a father has taught me so much over the years. Being a #girldad has taught me even more. Not only was I raising my daughter, but a woman.
We have since added a boy to the crew, but let me say, girls are different.
Before my daughter left our home at 17 to join the Navy, it was an amazing complex journey. She went from being my sweet baby girl to this moody "TEENAGER" that I had no glue what to do with, to this amazing woman that makes me smile.
Last weekend, I got to fulfill a dream and walk my beautiful daughter down the aisle. It was a magical moment I will never forget. It made all the little petty arguments worth it.
As I reflect back over the years, here are 5 lessons I learned about being a father.
There are many more lessons, but these stood out to me as I was writing this morning.
Senior Commercial Underwriter
10 个月Congratulations, When the child you raised and reared has become a woman. Proud Papa and Grand Pa.