Lessons in Developing and Delivering Training, Education and Development Programs, Courses, Workshops, Seminars and Breakthrough Conversations
Environmental Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)
?Professional Speaker?Consultant, Trainer and Teacher in Strategy, Planning, Performance, Problem-Solving & Solutions?H2O?Waste?Climate, Pollution, Environment ?SDGs ?Leadership?Entrepreneurship/Busimness/Marketing/Sales
Years ago I took a training of trainers course developed and delivered by DSE, a German Organisation. I also took another course in participatory environmental management where we taught how to facilitate conversations and dialogues with adults. The training of trainers course was comprehensive and covered the full training cycle starting with user needs analysis and identification, designing and developing training programs, courses and modules, delivering training and facilitating learning and evaluating training impact of training. It was during these courses that I got a very clear distinction between teaching and training and between teaching and learning facilitation including the different sitting arrangement in a workshop, seminar or training room and their impacts of learning outcomes.
These skills in training and facilitation became handy when I decided to get into consulting. I used the skills to develop my own training, education and development programs as well as my own seminars, workshops, breakthrough sessions, conferences and other events. So far I have successfully developed and deliver highly rated courses and events in many different areas such as
I can develop and deliver a course in any field in which I can learn and understand.
An example of one two day program I developed and offer is below.
Strategic Leadership Essentials Course
Day 1
Introductions 10 min 0830-0840
Workshop Objectives 10 minutes 0840-0850
Workshop Expectations 10 minutes 0850-0900
Self-Assessments 60 minutes 0900-1000
Refresh Break 1000-1030
Exploring The Leadership-Management Dichotomy 40 minutes 1030-1110
Management Fundamentals 40 minutes 1110-1150
Leadership Fundamentals 40 minutes 1150-1230
Basics to Leadership Performance: What is Involved in Leading 30 1230-1300
? The Core Leadership Results 15 minutes 1400-1415
? The Leadership Theatres 15 minutes 1415-1515
Basics to Management Performance: What is Involved in Managing? 30 minutes 1515-1545
? The Core Management Results 15 minutes 1600-1615
? The Core Management Theatres 15 minutes 1615-1630
Day 2
Recap and Review 0830-0850
Fundamentals of Effective Management 40 minutes 0850-0930
? The Self in Management 20 minutes 0930-0950
? Using The GPLKISS Model 20 minutes 0950-1030
Fundamentals of Effective Leadership 40 minutes 11-1140
? The Self in Leadership 10 minutes 11040-1150
? Using The GPLKISS Model 20 minutes 1150-1210
? Levels of leadership 10 minutes 1210-1220
? Leading, Leadership and the Organisation 20 minutes 1220-1240
? Leadership and Strategy 20 minutes 1240-1300
? Key leadership activities 20 minutes 1400-1420
Becoming a Leader, Starting to Lead, improving Leadership Performance and Results 40 minutes 1420-1500
Personal Leadership Growth and Development Action 60 minutes 1530-1630
Workshop Review and Evaluation 1630-1640
Closing Remarks and End of Workshop 1640-1650
[email protected]? +263-77-444-74-38
?Simon Bere, 2024