Lessons in Action from Newton & Hamilton

Lessons in Action from Newton & Hamilton

Every action has an equal opposite reaction.

EXCEPT for objects at rest.

You CANNOT get the changes, the transformation, or whatever you may be calling it, without putting in some effort to start moving towards your desired outcome. And you certainly can’t transform simply knowing what should work if you don’t try it.

Taking SOME action, nearly any action, is far better than “knowing” how to do something but waiting for someone else to do it.

An object in motion tends to remain in motion, the same with anyone who either has a natural “bias to action” (dare to suck! - see prior article), or has learned that even large transformations start somewhere, with some ACTION taken towards the outcome.

"Why do you write like you’re running out of time?"

Hamilton had a huge bias to action, writing more than seems humanly possible (although not as much as say... Isaac Asimov, that man was non-stop!).

That relentless drive to publish constantly is what honed his already natural and learned skills to be a historically fine point.

What actions, no matter how big or small, great ideas or questionable ideas, are you taking to transform yourself, your organization, your team, your products/services, maybe even your community or country?

As Nike says "Just Do It!"


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