A Lesson on Self-Coaching from Inside-Out with Authentic Presence
Prof Pravat Mahapatra PreDoc (Uni Turin, Italy), Doc(EU), Post Doc(Boston)
A Career Prep Educator, Business Professor and India's Pioneering Leadership Coach since 1989
A Lesson on Self-Coaching from Inside-Out with Authentic Presence
Trumpish -Delhi boy rediscovers Gandhi & Buddha after Covid
Before Covid- Fake it to make it Tomorrow is a big day. Spend it today to enjoy tomorrow. It is a quantum jump formula with a dissatisfaction for today. Big Toys and big me.
I have there fore I am...
HAVING -DOING-BEING i.e. Buy a Car, House and Furniture in installment then work hard to pay back the loan as a result you become what you become. Buy new shoes and throw the old one. The life is more,more and more by being there,there and there. Your slogan: Magic of Thinking Big
The bubblotian Gurgaon gang- living in a bubble. You have mastered the art of faking it with everything is Changa hai ji expression while hiding behind, the pressure of bank loan of instalment burden of living so called American dream. Find daily escape in Whatsup groups,internet porns and booze with fellow escapists.
And spend money in Anthony Robbin style training
After Covid- Living in Authentic Presence. Today is the day. How can I earn today so that I can spend tomorrow. And living in gratitude for what I have and taking baby steps. From I to we.
Owning who I am with what I have and responding to now.
BEING-DOING-HAVING i.e. be the best you can be wherever you are with what you have. Be a mechanic-repair your old car. Refurnish old home. Go to cobbler repair your shoes.
Being a part of Mehrauli gang, you love your Enfield Himalayan bullet, your artistic pursuit and authenticity. You love donning kurta bought from a hawker from Meharauli rather than from Fab India. You love your books and escape to Rishkesh. You are still a man with a millionaire mindset, living a low cost life while selling your wares Gurgaon bubblotonians and even Khan market gang. The life of less is more as well as here & now
Your training is Vipassana or Hatha Yoga
Personal mastery is the ongoing commitment to unfolding and authentically expressing who we are . — Kevin Cashman
Some of us open naturally to joy, while others need to cultivate it more carefully. For most of us, the subtler aspects of Santosha elude us from time to time. Everlasting joy cleaves to us through cultivating the understanding that we hold the power to our happiness. Even if temporarily lost, our joy will soon return, as it is the lifelong reward for attaining wisdom. In South India there is a heartfelt way of expressing one’s appreciation. Instead of saying “thank you,” they say “Santosha [I am content].” When at peace and content with oneself and others (Santosha), supreme joy is celebrated.
-Nischala Joy Devi
Few days back,on my way back from Gurgaon after dropping my daughter at office, I felt a sense of numbness. Question was who am I? And what am I doing here? My mind was in disarray. It was an event that triggered that feeling.
I felt quite miserable for cancellation of my engagement as an external panel with a ranked B-School due to CoVid19. I was looking forward to the engagement. Nevertheless, after some time, I came to realize the folly I am committing year after year by making misery part of my life. It is not the guilt of seating at home is cause of the misery while all other family members are engaged. It is me who is always like that. My constant focus on what is missing is cause of the misery.
When I was successful entrepreneur, I always yearned for an MBA. When I got an MBA, I yearned for a doctorate. When I became doctorate, I yearned for a corporate VP job with huge luxurious office. When I was a director in corporate with a huge office, I yearned for MNC consulting job. When I became a project CEO for an MNC consulting, I yearned for more to be an Executive Coach and to be internationally certified. Now as an ICF certified coach, I still yearn for more. More and more leading to less and less.
I was miserable in the top of Eiffel tower, I was miserable during my Gondola ride in Venice, even I was miserable when I was owning a luxury car in Gulf countries.
In last twenty years since 2001, my life has been swinging between period of total frenzy and period of total immobilization and wanting more and more. Result is less and less. A state of disarray with dismal result. What could have been the high point in my life has become a life of penniless wondering.
When I focus on what is possible here and now with what I have, life is full of bliss. It was a great realization that it is my inner state rather than outer events are the cause. A sense of bliss descended in me after long time.
I concur with quote by Dr Seashore” Perhaps the most powerful instrument we have in helping our clients navigate change is ‘ourselves’. Our ability to use ourselves potently relies in large part on the level of awareness we have about the impact we make, and our ability to make choices to direct and modify that impact.”
The change must begin with ourselves. As a change leader and coach, we must first navigate change in ourselves than the team members and ultimately the other stake holders.
Here is a excerpt from Nishala Devi’s meditation practice:
Sit quietly, and light a candle if you wish. Begin to make a mental note of your daily activities. How much of your day do you spend on simple repetitive chores that do not feel immediately rewarding? Do you sometimes feel they are a waste of time? Begin by focusing on one of these activities, such as making the bed each morning. How can that be transformed into a spiritual practice? Can you savor the smooth feeling of the linens? Can you have fun plumping the pillows? Put in some happy vibrations and feelings, so that when you get into bed at night, you will have happy dreams and a deep sleep. Next, you might turn to the routine of checking voice mail, answering calls, ling papers, paying bills, washing dishes, or picking up your children from school. Notice how each aspect of your life can be inwardly transformed to bring you to a place of presence and joy. There we recognize that the Divine is omnipresent.
To preserve openness of heart and calmness of mind, nurture these attitudes:
Kindness to those who are happy
Compassion for those who are less fortunate
Honor for those who embody noble qualities
Equanimity to those whose actions oppose your values.
Liberation is recognized in seven ways: we no longer feel the need for knowledge, to stay away from anything or anyone, to gather material things, or to act. Our constant companions are joy, faith, and clarity.
Have the body in a comfortable position, spine erect, shoulders relaxed. Begin to observe the body. Check to see if everything is relaxed—your toes, feet, ankles, shins, calves, knees, thighs, hips, hands, wrists, forearms, etc. Inhale through the nose. As you exhale through the nose, let your breath out very slowly—and with it, relax. Take in another breath and let it out even more slowly. Feel yourself relaxing deeply. Place the awareness of I in the center of the heart.
Ask yourself: Who am I? Am I the body? The Flesh? The bones? The blood? The organs? No, I am not the body! Who am I? Am I the organs of motion? Am I the arms that reach out? No, I am not the arms or the action of reaching. Who am I? Am I the legs that propel the body to move and touch the earth? No, I am not the legs or the movement of the legs. Who am I?
The Program will PERSONALLY will walk you through both the mind-set and the specific skills, network and experience that will help you to navigate the Disruptive Change of future and take u and client towards path of wealth..
Coaching from Inside-Out with Authentic Presence
About two thousand ?ve hundred years ago, Buddha was traveling the countryside, sharing his insights with those he encountered. One day a villager asked, “We hear many sages, why should we listen to you and not the others?”
Buddha smiled and replied, “You will know the right path for you, if you follow your heart.”
But following your heart is easier said than done, right? The voice of the heart —the inner voice, the true voice—often gets drowned out in the noisiness of life.
If you are a coach practitioner with an open spirit of self-discovery, access to imagination and a passion to contribute to the world in ever more meaningful ways, this program will engage you with like-minded people, social artists and activists, who see a future in which humanity flourishes through coaching as an integral part of society.
If you seek to live your life fully potent, sourced from your authentic self, then this program offers you both an experience to ignite this way of being in yourself all the time and skill building and resources to generate authentic presence for your clients;
- Systemic Thinking & Constellations
- Somatic Awareness & Theory ‘U’ for Generative Wholeness
- Attaining Buddha’s mind and centered approach to dealing with Client
- Authentic Presence and Coaching for Well Being
The program includes intensives morning sessions of hath yoga, meditation and reflective self as a coach practice sessions. The yoga is conducted by a trained yoga teacher. And evening session will include Essence of Gita discussion.
We strongly recommend that all participants read An Autobiography of Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, Presence Based Coaching by Doug Silbee and Bhagavat Gita by Swami Chnmayananda before attending the training..
Program Duration: Five days
Hours: 4 am to 9 pm each day
Tuition: Rs 55,000. Includes lunch, snacks, and all materials. Rs 15,000 non-refundable deposit due upon registration. Balance is due in full two months before the program begins.
Venue: Centre for Well Being & Positive Business Practices-Nilandri Ashram, Delhi, Chattarpur Farm House area.
We are applying for 40 ICF CCEUs in the Core Competencies.
This program is a prerequisite for Living in the Essence of Gita-21 Day Coach Marathon that helps you earn 120 hours of CCEUs.