Lesson Planning for English Language Learners
Peter Philips
Learning Facilitator, and Senior Editor at Tuitioncenter | CV/Resume/Cover Letter Writer | Helping Students and Professionals Succeed
Lesson Planning for English Language Learners
EEI Lesson Plan Template
Client Organization: Bailly Stem Academy?????? ??????????????????????? ??????????? Telephone: (219) 881-5466???????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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Email Address: [email protected] ????????????????????? ??????????????????????? Date: 6/19/23
Peter Philips
Language Arts
Topic or Unit of Study
Reading: Literature - Ideas and Textual Support - Text Analysis
7th Grade
In this lesson, seventh-grade students will participate in integrated English language development (ELD) instruction aligned with the Indiana Academic Standards for English Language Arts and Arizona English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards. The main focus of the lesson is on evaluating story elements in literature. Students will practice citing textual evidence, analyzing the interaction of story elements, and examining how the structure contributes to the meaning of the text.
Indiana Academic Standards - English Language Arts: Grade 7-Reading: Literature
Key Ideas and Textual Support-Text Analysis
Learning Outcome: Analyze what a text says explicitly as well as draw inferences from the text through citing several pieces of textual evidence (Indiana Department of Education, 2020).
ELP Standard:
Arizona 7.RL.1: Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text (Arizona Department of Education, 2021).
Arizona 7.RL.3: Analyze how particular elements of a story or drama interact (e.g., how setting shapes the characters or plot) (Arizona Department of Education, 2021).
Arizona 7.RL.5: Analyze the structure of a text, including how a drama or poem’s form or structure contributes to its meaning (Arizona Department of Education, 2021).
Work one-on-one with learners to boost their reading comprehension by having them reread the narrative and then answer the relevant questions about the story (Suprayogi et al., 2017; Lbreiseth, 2019).
- Given a short story, learners will cite textual evidence to support evaluation of the story's elements.
- Students will analyze how the narrative's setting influences the characters or plot.
- Students will evaluate the text's organization and how it contributes to the narrative's meaning.
Academic Language:
- General academic vocabulary: analyze, cite, textual evidence, elements, setting, plot, structure, meaning
- Content-specific vocabulary: story, poem, drama, short story, characters
Anticipatory Set
1. Display a short narrative/story on the board or provide printed versions for students.
2. Ask students to read the short story individually and point out or emphasize any intriguing or important elements they notice.
3. Engage students briefly about their first thoughts or observations and any noteworthy elements.
Teach Lesson / Model
1. Review the description and examples of the key academic vocabulary associated with literature evaluation.
2. Use a visual/graphic organizer to demonstrate how to cite textual evidence to support story elements' evaluation (e.g., plot, characters, setting).
3. Read aloud a paragraph/section of the short narrative to illustrate how to recognize and cite textual evidence.
4. Provide guided practice by reading additional paragraphs and asking learners to collaborate in pairs or small teams to cite evidence.
Differentiation for specific groups:
- English language learners (ELL): Provide sentence structures or vocabulary guidance during the teaching process and guided practice. Provide additional avenues for collaborative work or peer assistance (Antunez, 2002; Lbreiseth, 2019).
- Students with special needs: Simplify instructions or offer visual aids while modeling. Provide additional assistance during guided practice, or suggest different ways to respond (e.g., verbal instead of written) (Suprayogi et al., 2017).
- Gifted learners: Encourage them to explore more intricate plot points or give them follow-up questions to further their understanding.
Guided Practice
1. Distribute a different short story to each student or learners’ group.
2. Instruct learners to read the narrative independently and pinpoint specific elements (e.g., setting, characters) to analyze.
3. Encourage learners to cite textual evidence to support their evaluation and record their findings on the graphic organizer.
4. Circulate the classroom to assist learners and take part in discussions with them about their evaluation.?
Differentiation for specific groups:
- English language learners (ELL): Pair ELL students with fluent English speakers for group projects. Set up sentence structures or extra visual aids (Suprayogi et al., 2017; Lbreiseth, 2019).
- Students with special needs: Offer a brief, simplified narrative or divide the analysis into manageable chunks. Give additional assistance during independent task performances.
- Gifted learners: Assign them a more challenging short narrative to simultaneously evaluate multiple aspects of the story (Suprayogi et al., 2017).
Independent Practice
1. Ask learners to compose a paragraph or brief essay examining one aspect of the chosen short narrative, such as the setting.
2. Require learners to cite at least two pieces of textual evidence to substantiate their analysis.
3. Collect and examine the written responses for the aim of formative evaluation.?
Differentiation for specific groups:
- English language learners (ELL): Allow ELL students to discuss their analysis orally with a partner or provide sentence structures for writing (Suprayogi et al., 2017; Lbreiseth, 2019).
- Learners with special needs: Give a more straightforward writing prompt or accept verbal responses instead of written ones.
- Encourage them to evaluate multiple narratives' elements or challenge them to create/write a comparative evaluation of two short stories (Suprayogi et al., 2017).
1. Conduct a brief whole-class discussion to share and compare the learners' evaluations.
2. Stress the significance of citing textual evidence and utilizing analyses to bolster comprehension.
3. Correlate the lesson to future learning by discussing how evaluating narratives' elements can enhance reading comprehension and interpretation.
- Examine learners' comprehension by having them write an essay or paragraph examining a particular narrative element. Utilize a rubric to analyze their use of textual evidence, evaluation's depth, and clarity of expression.
- Give learners the option to select a new short story and evaluate a different plot aspect not explored in class as an extra activity.
- Give out optional homework tasks such as reading another narrative and composing a quick analysis utilizing the same techniques covered in class.
Instructional Materials (handouts, etc.)
- Short stories for the teacher to decide including but not limited to The Multicultural Fair by Alessandro Ghebreigziabiher (one copy of the story per student or group)
- Graphic organizers for evaluating story elements
- Highlighters or colored pencils for annotating texts
- Rubric for analyzing written responses
- Writing materials
Arizona Department of Education. (2021). Arizona’s English language arts standards – 7 grade. Arizona’s English Language Arts Standards – 7th Grade. https://www.azed.gov/sites/default/files/2021/07/7th%20grade%20ELA%20Standards%20Placemat.pdf
Indiana Department of Education. (2020). Indiana Academic StandardsEnglish Language Arts: Grade 7. Indiana academic standards english language arts: Grade 7 - IN.gov. https://www.in.gov/doe/files/Grade-7-ELA-Standards-Dec-2020.pdf
Lbreiseth. (2019, December 5). Language & Vocabulary Development. Colorín Colorado. https://www.colorincolorado.org/language-vocabulary-development
Suprayogi, M. N., Valcke, M., & Godwin, R. (2017). Teachers and their implementation of differentiated instruction in the classroom. Teaching and teacher education, 67, 291-301.
Part 2: Reflection
The lesson plan I developed for 7th-grade integrated English language development (ELD) instruction incorporates components that recognize and value ELLs' cultural norms and convictions in the teaching/instruction and learning framework. Consequently, the teaching tactics and activities allow for incorporating many viewpoints and experiences, even though the lesson plan fails to tackle the students' specific cultural origins explicitly.
One way the lesson plan helps incorporate the ELLs' cultural norms and convictions is through the left-open choice of short narratives. The lesson plan provides for the selection of tales inclusive of all cultures and pertinent to the student's experiences, even though the specific tales are not mentioned in the lesson plan's template. Consequently, by carefully selecting narratives that reflect the diversity of different backgrounds and cultures in the classroom, I or any educator that utilizes the lesson plan can create an inclusive learning atmosphere where all learners can feel featured in the literature. Additionally, the lesson plan's instructional tactics and differentiating methods consider ELLs' distinct language differences and requirements. For example, the lesson plan considers the linguistic variety in the classroom by offering sentence structures, vocabulary support, and avenues for interaction among classmates (Antunez, 2002). In this context, this method acknowledges the value of learners' various linguistic origins and enables them to participate in significant exchanges and conversations regarding the literature they are studying.
If I were to design a targeted ELD lesson instead of an integrated one, I would explicitly focus on practicing and imparting language skills. For example, the instructional/teaching activities would concentrate on Specific language goals, including vocabulary growth, proper grammar use, or language functions. Additionally, the lesson plan would include more focused scaffolding and assistance to address ELLs' linguistic needs, such as visual aids, real-world examples, and more practice avenues (Indiana Department of Education, 2020). In contrast, the integrated lesson plan I developed allows a more all-encompassing approach to language development by integrating language instruction within the framework of content acquisition (Himmel, 2012). This approach acknowledges that language acquisition is natural when students interact with relevant content rather than in isolation (Himmel, 2012). In this context, by integrating content study and language instruction, ELLs can enhance their language skills while simultaneously reading and evaluating literature.
In conclusion, my lesson plan aligns with the objective of integrating ELLs' cultural values and beliefs by fostering an inclusive learning atmosphere and addressing their language differences. In this regard, the lesson plan enables ELLs to engage in purposeful language development while appreciating and respecting their cultural backgrounds by carefully choosing literature that resonates with varied cultures and offering individualized teaching.
Antunez, B. (2002, September). English language learners and the five essential components of ?? reading instruction. Reading Rockets. https://www.readingrockets.org/article/english-??? language-learners-and-five-essential-components-reading-instruction
Himmel. (2012, June). Language objectives: The key to effective content area instruction for English ???????? learners. Colorín Colorado. https://www.colorincolorado.org/article/language-objectives-key-????????? effective-content-area-instruction-english-learners
Indiana Department of Education. (2020). Indiana Academic StandardsEnglish Language Arts: Grade ?? 7. Indiana academic standards english language arts: Grade 7 - IN.gov. ??????????? https://www.in.gov/doe/files/Grade-7-ELA-Standards-Dec-2020.pdf