Lesson Plan Challenge 3

Lesson Plan Challenge 3

Lesson Plan: KG1 Phonics – Letter Sound Recognition and Formation

Duration: 30 minutes

Learning Objectives:

  • Content: Students will identify and name the letter sound "s" (satpin sound). Students will form the letter "s" using different materials.
  • ACPs: Students will develop analytical skills (identify sounds in words), linking skills (connect letter shape to sound), and creating skills (forming the letter using different methods).
  • VAAs: Students will cultivate curiosity (explore sounds and letters), collaboration (work with peers), and resilience (persevere with letter formation challenges).

High-Performance Learning Strategies:

  • Metacognition: Encourage students to think about their thinking by asking questions like "How did you figure that out?" or "What strategy did you use?"
  • Collaboration: Create opportunities for students to work together in pairs or small groups to support each other's learning.
  • Value Learning: Emphasize the importance of effort and a growth mindset by praising students for their hard work and persistence.


  • Sandpaper letter "s"
  • Play-doh
  • Whiteboard/chart paper
  • Markers
  • Pictures of objects starting with "s" (e.g., sun, snake, sock)
  • Shaving cream (optional)

Lesson Procedure:

  • Introduction (5 minutes):
  • Hook: Sing a simple song about the letter "s" (e.g., "Sammy the Snake") and show the sandpaper letter "s." Ask students to touch and trace the letter with their fingers.
  • Activate Prior Knowledge: Review previously learned letter sounds using flashcards or a quick chant.
  • Set Learning Objectives: Explain that today they will learn about the letter "s" and its sound.
  • AfL: Observe students' responses during the prior knowledge activation to gauge their understanding of previously learned letter sounds. Use this information to tailor the lesson's pace and complexity.

2. Exploration (8 minutes)

  • Multi-Sensory Activity: Provide the student with the sandpaper letter "s." Introduce the letter sound "s" as the "satpin" sound. Have them trace the letter with their finger while saying the sound. Then, have them form the letter "s" using play-doh.
  • UDL/Adaptive Teaching: For the student with focus difficulties, provide a visual timer or hourglass to help them track the activity's duration. Offer frequent breaks and opportunities for movement.
  • AfL: Observe how students interact with the materials and how accurately they form the letter "s." Provide immediate feedback and support as needed.

3. Direct Instruction (8 minutes)

  • Mini-Lecture: Show pictures of objects starting with "s" (e.g., sun, snake, sock) and emphasize the initial sound. Encourage students to repeat the sound after you.
  • UDL/Adaptive Teaching: Use visual aids (pictures) and auditory cues (repeating the sound) to support EAL learners. For the student with focus difficulties, break down the instruction into smaller chunks with brief activities in between.
  • AfL: Ask students questions about the pictures to check their understanding of the letter sound "s" (e.g., "Which picture starts with the 's' sound?"). Use their responses to gauge their comprehension and adjust instruction as needed.

4. Application (8 minutes):

  • Activity: Divide students into pairs. Give each pair a set of pictures and have them sort the pictures into two piles: objects that start with "s" and objects that do not.
  • Assessment for Learning: Observe student engagement and participation in the activity. Check for understanding by asking questions like "Can you find another picture that starts with the 's' sound?"
  • UDL/Adaptive Teaching: Provide scaffolding by giving EAL learners picture cards with the corresponding words written below. For the student with focus difficulties, offer a choice of activities (e.g., sorting pictures, drawing objects starting with "s").

5. Reflection and Assessment (1 minute):

  • Assessment of Learning: Have each student come to the board and write the letter "s." Provide positive feedback and celebrate their efforts. (Alternative: Have students write the letter in shaving cream on their desks for a fun, multi-sensory experience.)
  • UDL/Adaptive Teaching: For the student with letter formation difficulties, provide a stencil or guide to help them form the letter.
  • AoL: Collect the pictures students sorted and their written letter "s" samples as evidence of their learning. Use this information to assess their understanding of the letter sound "s" and letter formation skills.


  • EAL learners: Provide visuals such as Widget, use gestures, and speak slowly and clearly. Pair them with supportive peers.
  • Focus difficulties: Break down tasks, use visual timers, allow for movement breaks.
  • Multi-sensory learner: Incorporate tactile activities (e.g., sandpaper letters, play-doh) and movement.

Extension Activities:

  • For early finishers, have them find objects in the classroom that start with the letter "s."
  • Create a simple "s" word book together as a class.

Additional Assessment Notes:

  • Formative Assessment: Ongoing observation and questioning throughout the lesson.
  • Summative Assessment: Collecting work samples, using a checklist or rubric to assess individual student mastery of the learning objectives.


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