A Lesson in Mediumship
Conversations On The Path of Light?
We Invite All Those Seeking The Light
[Little Dove:] Little Dove.
[Jennifer:] Greetings, Little Dove.
[Little Dove:] Greetings.
We have someone that wants to get a message out to Alex. He wants to say to Alex, ‘Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your thoughts. Thank you for your Love. I was sick but I’m okay. I am alive. I was afraid I wouldn’t be but I am. Thank you.’
[Jennifer:] What state does Alex reside in?
[Little Dove:] He has two homes: one here and one in Las Vegas.
[Jennifer:] And, when did you pass?
[Little Dove:] Did, the person speaking pass?
[Jennifer:] Yes.
[Little Dove:] 1997.
[Junior Boy:] Alex knew me as Junior Boy and I was his classmate.
[Little Dove:] When you play this back or you talk to this medium, he will know who Alex is and where he can be located.
Why we wanted to do this now is a test. We are bringing more information through, stronger information. Information mixing words, thoughts, emotions, information mixing names, dates, and times so again, we can build credibility, for this Medium, so again, we can build credibility for the re-establishment of a position, is not only a Designated Medium but a Spiritual Leader. You need to do this.
[Jennifer:] May I ask a question?
[Little Dove:] Yes.
[Jennifer:] Regarding credibility, could you please explain to those individuals who listen to this tape at a later time, ‘Why is it that when a Master or some individuals come through, they have trouble with the vocabulary? Some individuals who listen might say, ‘Well, if Arch Angel Raphael, cannot pronounce a particular word or Ct. St. Germain stumbles upon a word, then certainly, can’t be a Master; and therefore, cannot, there is no evidence. Could you explain that so it helps others understand what is happening?’
[Little Dove:] Yes.
Each individual Medium, Spiritual Medium, Psychic, or people reaching out that are sensitives, the people on this side, the Spirit Side, must use with what they have. They must be able to tap in their brain, manipulate their vocabulary, their voice box; manipulate their physical being in some way, and impress upon them through events that have happened in their life, experiences that have happened in their life and bring out that message which will hopefully, benefit the sitter and show evidence to the sitter. Now, each individual that wishes to pursue Mediumship, in one form or another has different abilities, has different styles, so to speak, and as the Bible states, in First Corinthians, that there are many, many different gifts from our beloved Father, Mother God. So, as various Masters have come through, they must stimulate centers within the brain of this individual Medium and they must bring about, bring out, and bring forth their personality, the vocabulary which they can manipulate, the words, and settings, and feelings which the audience will understand—
[the Medium:] Oww.
[Jennifer:] Are you alright? [tape stopped to find out if Medium is okay]
[concerned] Are you alright?
[the Medium:] Yes.
[Jennifer:] Is Jon alright?
[Little Dove:] He will be sore for a few days but he will live. He is not, that, weak.
[Jennifer:] [laughs]
[Little Dove:] He considers himself tough.
[Jennifer:] I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with my cat.
[Little Dove:] She is feeling the energy in here and getting excited. She wants to come out and play but doesn’t know who to play with.
But, as I was saying, we also have to deal with the personality of the Medium and their deep-seated fears and anxieties, some brought from past lives and some from this Life. And, this particular Medium is terrified for some reason, of the English Language, and when he learns vocabulary word or new words, phrases, text, different ways of expressing himself, he filters and files these various words throughout his brain so, he will fail, not because he wants to fail but because he is afraid that if he used his vocabulary then he would feel that others felt that he was superior and not want to be around him. We know that this is foolishness but the consciousness, because of past life experiences and because of this Life experiences have created such a deep seeded fear and anxiety of names and certain words above a certain level of vocabulary that it makes it very difficult, even for a Master to pry out of that clam-like vice, that he calls a brain. So, as the Masters work with him and impress thoughts in his mind, he’s able to express these thoughts in his vocabulary and thus later, letting one of our beloved Spiritual beings use the vocabulary. He goes into various stages of trance, various stages of visual reading in his development. At times he is completely gone, out of the room, out of the state, out of the solar system; other times, he is very close at hand and if you have ever noticed a parent hovering around the child, to make sure the child doesn’t do anything wrong and gets all panicky when the child starts to do something that the parent’s not ready for, that is what his actions are like, even now as I speak. You can see him running around, back and forth, going, ‘Oh, no. Oh, no.—
[Jennifer:] [laughs]
[Little Dove:] ‘What is she doing?’
But, as time will progress, on these documented volumes which you will keep, for later someone may hear and participate with these learning exercises, you will begin to see the development and the growth and the changes which come as he relaxes and is able to step farther and farther away from his physical being and new forms of psychic and Spiritual development; and Spiritual Mediumship, again begin to take control and effect of his life. As the spiritual side continues to grow and rebuilds it confidence within this being, within its seven planes of consciousness, for each level must be rebuilt after its … devastating, miscalculation and mishap. Remember, what our beloved Elder Brother, St. Germain said about being a survivalist—
[Jennifer:] Yep.
[Little Dove:] or surviving or being aware and awake for those things that are around you that could hurt you?
[Jennifer:] Yes.
[Little Dove:] But, he did not listen and he paid the consequence but that is Natural Law, and now he has an opportunity to again, rebuild and now has an opportunity to grow and to develop greater forms of his abilities in Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Psychic Development. Thanks to you, thanks to those who care, thanks to the energies that have been sent from Shamballa and the Ascended Masters, we are able to manipulate even more and more of the vocabulary and of the brain. What we are trying to experiment with bringing other individuals from the Spirit World through is a fear that happened in a past life when he was possessed and ended up hurting other people so, he is reluctant, to say the least, of letting another individual take over his physical body. Does this help to explain a little?
[Jennifer:] Yes, Thank you, very much.
[Little Dove:] As you develop and begin to see and give messages to others and you use your Spiritual Psychic abilities to help solve your mystery cases, just like Sherlock Holmes—
[Jennifer:] That’s exciting.
[Little Dove:] you will understand some of the anxiety and fear that he goes through. As an instrument, which is called a battery, at this time, you often feel drained for days, you often feel light-headed for days after one of these sessions and that is because you freely give your life force, energies, and in that, we have an opportunity to work with your being, your Spiritual self, your Monadic Self, your Emotional and your Intellectual, your Astral and your Vibrational, and your Physical being, on different levels because as you give forth your energy we able to fill that vessel, ten-fold and more with the cooling, healing liquids from the Elysian Fields that swirl around you as a cosmic whirlpool, filling, filling, filling, your being, like a vessel of Light, making you radiant, glow with Love.
[Jennifer:] Thank you for letting me know. I didn’t have any idea that was happening.
[Little Dove:] And, you thought you were just a klutz.
[Jennifer:] [laughs] Yes.
[Little Dove:] Well, there is something that happens. There is always a price to be paid for your energy, that is Natural Law so, as you give out, you must receive, and the more you give, the more you will get. And, what is amazing, is you give freely. And, you work diligently. We are happy to see this for you truly have taken the beloved life of our teacher, Master K., and have tried to emulate, tried to do, and think, as he and we see that, and he sees that. He is saying to me right now, through thought projection, ‘It is about time, a woman of true virtue and statuesqueness takes a leadership role in this church.’
[Jennifer:] [in gratitude and appreciation] ‘Thank you, Master K.’
[Little Dove:] So, we hope our explanations have helped.
This is Little Dove.
[Jennifer:] Thank you, Little Dove.
[End of Conversation]
? 2000 Conversations On The Path of Light? - 04/06/2000. All Rights Reserved.