” A Lesson From Yoda “

The Grand Master of the Jedi Council in Star Wars

This W.O.R.D. is by “A Man of Vision” that learned to see as Luke Skywalker say with the guidance from Yoda.

(W)ord    2nd Corinthians 5:7   “We live by faith, not by sight

(O)bservation      When we become masters of the unseen is when we have reached a place walking in faith. By faith, that many people never experience.

How do I get to a place where I can master the unseen? How do I learn this special way of life? Practice, purposefully focusing on everything I don’t see until the things around me are no longer important. Until the things that are unseen are more vivid than those things I have always perceived. Faith is the evidence of things unseen, so if I am walking by faith, then I am focused on the unseen.

In the first chapter of Job, God gave satan permission to take away things from Job. So satan began his attack, taking everything from Job down to the lives of his children. Through all this calamity Job fell to his knees to worship God. Job said “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised!” (Job 1:21)

Job was focusing on the “unseen” which was the sufficient grace God gives, even in tragedy.

Why? Is usually the way to get there. When I ask why, the unseen begins to present itself. God’s will becomes more vivid, and the walk by faith becomes “The WAY” of life.

(R)esponse      My goal in life should be to strive to constantly see God in everything, even in the elements “unseen”. I will practice focusing on the unseen, the evidence of things to come, the reason why, and the substance of things not seen by the human eye.

(D)ialogue      God and my best FRIEND, thank You for continuing to build me, shape me, and make me into something more. You are constantly walking with me, guiding me, showing me my way as I surrender my life, and circumstances to You. I pray Your will be done, not my will, but Your will be done. In Your Name I pray. We will talk again soon and often and I will be listening. YOUR TURN


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