Lesson from a Rubik's Cube
A while back I was having a conversation with a CEO about hiring new Digital talent...
His big problem was that although he could attract SOME talent...
They were rarely the top performers that he needed on his team...
And he wasn’t able to hire them consistently…
After speaking with him for a while... It was clear to me what the problem was...
He had no process... Everything was down to chance...
It reminds me of a conversation I had with a friend of mine a while ago about Rubik's cube...
I've never completed a Rubik's cube, but my mate can do it every time, and he shared his secret with me...
You see, he got so frustrated with not being able to complete it, he looked online for answers...
And what he discovered blew his mind...
You may know this already, but to solve a Rubik's Cube you only need to know several ALGORITHMS. Specific movements of the rows that allow you to solve it no matter what your starting point is...
And once he had the formula, he was able to complete a Rubik's cube for the very first time...
Day by day he got faster and faster and the quickest he has ever solved it is about 90 seconds...
From failure to mastery... Just because he now had the formula to follow...
Attracting and hiring top Tech & Digital talent is very much the same way...
There are a set of rules you need to follow to attract and retain the industry’s top performers consistently like clockwork…
Sure you can attract some talent without them, just like I'm sure some people can complete a Rubik’s cube without following the algorithms...
But it’s quicker, easier, and more predictable when you have a proven system to follow…
I help Business Leaders in Tech & Digital hire and retain top Tech & Digital talents so they can build high performing teams, ensure knowledge is transferred, achieve company objectives and scale their business.
If you need some help keeping your business on track so that you’re not playing catch up with your competitors here are 3 ways I can help:
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