Lesson from the greatest tennis player of all time
Hugh Tafel
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Canmore AB?–?“Why didn’t you play like that when you were partnered with me?!”
One of my passions is tennis and every Tuesday evening, a group of us men, gather at our local courts and engage in some spirited doubles matches. Typically, we keep the same foursome per court, and play 3 sets, changing partners each set.
It’s “spirited” because we track games won.?Winners move up?to a ‘higher’ court. Losers, move down.
The other evening, my first partner happened to be a fellow who drove in from a nearby town, thus doesn’t join our group often. Unfortunately for him, I didn’t serve particularly well, and we lost that game and the set, 4-6.
So, after losing to me, with 2 other partners, he teased me on my improved performance. I muttered something about not being warmed up yet and that it takes a while for the ‘old’ joints to get moving.
Admittedly, this was true. I didn’t feel particularly limber at the beginning of the evening. And I hadn’t conducted a very good warmup, prior to the commencement of play.
That got me thinking.
The?French Open?tennis tournament just ended last weekend.?Rafael Nadal, from Spain won – for the fourteenth time, at just this one grand slam event! It was his 22nd?major title. The closest anyone else has been for this one title is six!
I can assure that he, and?all professionals, conducts a proper warm up before every match. In fact, there is a large gallery of spectators on hand for every practice he performs during the tournament. People flock just to see the man practice!
He is?rigorous?in those practices too. He chases every ball. He gives everything to every hit. He runs, he sweats. He confers with his coach(es) and ensures he is prepared for the match to come.
What about you and your business?
Do you have prepared?scripts?for you and your staff to handle every kind of call, be it sales or service oriented?
What about for?objections? Complaints??Return requests?
Say you are thinking about launching a new promotion for a product or service. Have you outlined the entire process? Gone over the material? Prepared your staff and team for the expected outcome of the new marketing?
In my experience, most small business owners are?not nearly diligent?enough in the practice and preparation needed to obtain the results they want. Thus, they get the results they fear instead.
If you wish to be the expert, the authority and have a company that everyone refers to, you need to start preparing and practicing like a true professional.
Practice like Nadal.
Until next week,
Stay healthy and focus on profit!
- Hugh
The “Profit Accelerator” Expert
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