A Lesson in Diversity & Something to Think About
"Yes, we can. Yes, we did!"-President Barack Obama during his farewell address to the nation on January 10, 2017, Mc Cormick Place, Chicago, Illinois
Today, the Cubs visited the White House, to celebrate their World Championship, with the most powerful Sox fan in the world. It's this kind of diversity and acceptance, that makes America great.
Reluctant to wear a Cubs' jersey, but polite and statesman enough to stick by his principles and conduct himself with class and dignity, President Obama again provides a shining example of tolerance, tragically lacking by the guy who will take the oath of office on Friday.
I'm so glad that these things are televised and filmed, so that Mr. Trump will have visual cues, on how he should conduct himself in public, and address things that he does not necessarily like or believe in.
This is neither a statement favoring any political party (as the Ricketts Family are well known Republicans). It is a statement about how we choose to treat each other, even if we disagree.
Congressman John Lewis, today, Sir, I am thinking and praying for you, and all that you have done for others in the struggle for civil rights. I respect your contribution to the lives of myself and all Americans.
Mr. Trump and Congress, pay attention school is in session, and now, we will all be watching you, especially our children. So, please lead by example. All of our futures depends on your collective actions.