Lesson for the Day - Believe in Yourself!
Daryl Curtis
Motorsports Marketing-Business Consultation / Advocate for Women in Motorsports / Radio Co-Host / Researcher
Recently I had a conversation with a young lady who was working in a job that paid good money but really was not good for her. She had been working in the IT field but was constantly being treated badly or not given the respect that her co-workers received. She was the only woman in the group and it became obvious to her that she was looked down upon because she was a woman. She ultimately decided to leave the job. Now she works at a job that doesn't require intelligence but will hire you because you are good looking. She makes good money but knows that she can do better. The value that is placed on her is about her looks, not her talents and abilities. Her self esteem is at an all time low.
My question, then, is "Why settle for less than what you know you are capable of?" I have talked enough with her and shown her that she has to believe that she is worthy and capable of achieving anything that she sets her mind to. But she has to BELIEVE in herself again. And she needs to surround herself with those people that have her back, will help her up when she falls, will call her out when she is screwing up and will constantly lift her up and remind her how great she truly is. But, more importantly, these people have to be people that she trusts and have to be true friends.
Believing in yourself and surrounding yourself with people that you trust will have your best interests at heart is key to being successful - no matter what you do and where you go. This is as true if you are a race car driver or a motorsports marketer. As a person seeking sponsorships, you also have to show not only that you believe you yourself but that you believe in what you are marketing. Only then will people engage with you and support the brand that supports you. And when you believe in yourself, your confidence will show through and you will be the person that others want to be around. How's that for creating fans and loyal supporters of a brand that sponsors you?
Bottom line is this - no one will believe in you or give you a chance if you don't believe in yourself. You will never know your full potential unless you do this. Don't let others drag you down, tell you you're not worthy or let others disrespect you. You are not deserving of that. This is especially true for women. Men do treat women as less -then in the workplace more often than not. Don't let them. If you exhibit confidence in how you carry yourself, men will think twice about crossing you or disrespecting you.
So, that is my lesson for this week. Glad to be back and until next time, I will see you at the track.