A Lesson on Content Creation by U2

Whether you’re a U2 fan or not, there’s one thing we can all agree on: Bono does things a little differently.

Most people choose between going big or going home, but Bono prefers both.

U2’s latest project, Songs of Surrender, is a mega-look into the band’s discography, diving deep into decades past to re-imagine 40 songs with a new perspective.

Now, we haven’t listened to the whole thing yet (it’s over 3 hours long). But even still, as content creators, we can’t help but draw some inspiration from the initiative.

Specifically, there are 3 lessons we’ve been pondering in relation to our own content creation process at work:

1. Nothing needs to be permanent; Evolution is always an option.

It’s a common truth among all remake albums: The songs sound different.

That’s normal, but U2, being U2, decided to take a few of their re-imagined songs a few steps further. The new versions all have new sounds — more subdued and generally less anthem-y — and they’ve even drafted new lyrics for songs like Beautiful Day and Get Out of Your Own Way (among others).

The lesson: Nothing needs to be set in stone. Like Bono himself, your brand is a living thing. Naturally, it’ll evolve over time, according to industry changes, new tech, trends that influence your audience and more.

If your white paper becomes outdated because of new technology, for example, your content isn’t trash. It’s an opportunity to refresh that asset, saving precious content creation time, while also demonstrating to your audience that you know exactly how to handle the changing nature of your industry.

2. When inspiration strikes, make the most of it.

U2 isn’t just remaking 40 of their songs for a mega-remixed album — that’d be way too easy.

Songs of Surrender comes out as part of a retrospective trio, alongside Bono’s memoir (titled “Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story”), and a Disney+ documentary, “Bono & The Edge: A Sort of Homecoming with Dave Letterman.” In its own way, each is the story of U2, communicated across 3 unique mediums.

The lesson: Great ideas don’t need to manifest in only one way. Each and every topic that your brand has authority on can be communicated across different mediums. In fact, planning for that is the basis for a well-rounded campaign.

Taking the example of a white paper again, your asset doesn’t need to carry the entire load of the campaign. we’d bet you can take your white paper and turn it into:

  • 3 blog posts.
  • 6 social media posts.
  • 1 infographic.
  • 2 explainer videos.

Now, that’s 5 mediums and 13 assets to help your audience find your brand, instead of just 1 asset and 1 medium.

3. Be fearless and bold with new ideas.

Half-way doing a new idea will never create the fireworks you envision. U2 is known for going all-out, and sometimes it works (remember Super Bowl 2002, commonly called the Best Super Bowl Halftime Show Ever?) … and sometimes it doesn’t (remember when everyone with an iTunes account was subjected to the entirety of Songs of Innocence?)

Not everyone likes U2’s new album — it’s received mixed reviews — but who cares? Songs of Surrender debuted at No. 1 on Billboard’s Top Album Sales chart, and No. 5 on the Billboard 200.

Plus, with this release, U2 has achieved something only an elite few have: Released a top-10 album every single decade since the ’80s. They join Def Leppard, AC/DC and Metallica in this.

The lesson: Try a new thing! You won’t know what works until you try it. Bono didn’t know that transforming Beautiful Day into a piano-led, mostly acoustic, softer tune would work. But he did it anyway, and it’s one of the more popular tracks from the whole project.

See that? Content marketing is pretty much exactly like being a legendary Irish rock band.

Now let’s get out there and create some great content.

It’s a beautiful day. Don’t let it get away.


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