Lesson: Be Always Building Trust
Shaun J Morris
Servant | Leadership Coach & Keynote Speaker | Host of ?? IWoC Community for Incredible Women of Color | Presents: Laws of Gun Safety ?? Program | Maxwell Leadership Certified Team
I was given the most excellent advice this evening by Janet James, a fellow Maxwell Leadership team member: "If you can establish trust right away, and if you can do that successfully, you will have a winner on your hands, for sure."
I recently launched a group coaching program for women of color to learn, develop, and connect for one hour a week over six weeks, focusing on leadership and personal development.
I’ve received fantastic feedback from the pre-event questionnaire (feel free to leave your own) and things are set to go really well! But I almost missed the most important thing... Building Trust.
Janet had no way of knowing, but I needed this advice more than anyone could imagine. It seems I made this mistake earlier this weekend with someone important to me. Now, I'm hurt because they're hurt, and its all from a simple mistake.
"To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved." — George MacDonald
Even though I made an honest mistake, being unaware of how my actions may impact someone else still has its consequences. People shut down and struggle to let you get close again. I've heard it said that trust takes years to build, but only seconds to break... and forever to repair.
Being self-aware enough to earn someone else’s trust is something I’m committed to mastering. I will start this program with grace because, obviously, I need it in return.