Lesson 5: Mesh Generation with Gmsh (Part 1: Fundamentals)
Welcome to the exciting world of mesh generation! In this lesson and the next, we'll tackle meshing using Gmsh, a powerful open-source software dedicated to creating high-quality meshes for various scientific simulations, including FDTD in our case.
What is Meshing?
Meshing refers to the process of discretizing your CAD model – essentially, dividing it into smaller, simpler elements. These elements, typically triangles or tetrahedra in 2D and 3D simulations respectively, form the computational grid on which your FDTD code will solve Maxwell's equations.
Why is Meshing Important?
The accuracy and efficiency of your FDTD simulations heavily rely on a well-designed mesh. Here's why:
Mesh Elements in Gmsh:
UPDATE: Here is another interesting video I found: gmsh + python: how to
access mesh information from scripts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQwYmk3bMSo
Gmsh offers various mesh element types, but for FDTD simulations, we'll primarily focus on:
Structured vs. Unstructured Meshes:
Gmsh allows generating both structured and unstructured meshes:
Gmsh Interface:
Gmsh has a graphical user interface (GUI) and a command-line interface (CLI). We'll primarily use the GUI for a user-friendly experience:
Next Steps:
In the next lesson (Lesson 6: Mesh Generation with Gmsh – Part 2: Refinement and Advanced Techniques), we'll delve deeper into meshing with Gmsh. We'll explore mesh refinement strategies to improve accuracy in critical regions and discuss advanced techniques for handling complex geometries. Remember, mastering meshing is an essential skill for obtaining reliable results from your FDTD simulations.