How To Be A Director: Lesson #12 Choose Your Words Carefully
April 16, 2018 / Diane Dahlmann
A director should choose her words carefully.
A director should choose his words carefully.
Because everyone is listening to you now.
You’re new. You’re the boss.
It might feel a little weird at first, but when you are in charge, people listen.
So what do you do?
Keep sharp and maintain your awareness.
Employ some new vocabulary words to strengthen your points.
Stick with the language of your field and practice.
For goodness sakes, don’t mispronounce or misuse terms. Be precise in your use. Introduce a new uncommon term weekly.
Just use it and listen.
Language can help shape the culture of the workplace.
Elevate your vocabulary and you elevate the conversation and the thoughts of your team.
The reverse is true as well. If you are careless with your words, the morale of your team may well suffer. And the culture may decline as well. And why? Over words. The wrong words at the wrong time can sink your efforts and reputation. (The same can be said of tone. Keep an ear out for your tone at all times.)
It might seem to be a small thing, but now that you are a director what you say and how you say it matters every day and every time you speak. Take advantage of your new platform with care and use your words wisely.