Lesson 11: slice
Slice is a very good choice for changing of pace, changing of direction. It can also be a very effective shot in backend defense. It is also a very effective shot while coming to the net. It keeps the ball low and making it difficult for the opponent to pass you.
Move forward
This helps transfer your weight and add power to the ball. It is important to feel the shoulder is moving at the direction of the ball.
Prepare high
Take back, prepare high. If you prepare low and with an open racket face, the slice is going up and become a floating ball. You need to cut through the ball from the top, and go down the ball so that the ball stays low.
The racket starts high, then go through the ball, then goes up, almost like a U shape.
The follow through is very important in the slice. You should keep the ball on the string as long as possible. Avoid swing the racket, the racket should not go over the waist of your hand at any given time.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoYVH75bviE start high
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaqsJy4eNQM cut and drive, lean to the ball, forward
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z21B4XH9ICc Move forward