Less Worry. More Focus…
Have you noticed how often social media platforms use the word ‘Shocking’ to catch your attention? It’s a deliberate ploy to tap into our instinctive survival responses. We’re primed by evolution to notice threats far more easily than good news. So, there’s always plenty to keep us occupied and, for the most part, off balance. We’re bombarded by the latest tales of woe, outrage, disaster and dread. No wonder people feel so stressed these days. According to our development as a species, where we place our focus inevitably becomes our destination. It’s how our minds are wired. But this is good news because, if we turn our attention towards a different point of concentration, we can change the direction of our pathway. Isn’t that an amazing thought to ponder? When we broaden our horizon from the narrow scope of our fears, doubts and problems, we discover a world full of possibilities in which our dreams and goals can be fully realised. So, how can we adjust our focus?
If you’re familiar with the practice of mindfulness, you’ll know that we can learn to become more aware of how the tumble of our thoughts and feelings flows through the loose net of our minds. In this state of heightened awareness, we are able to create the space to introduce adjustments to how we think and feel. We discover a much wider set of choices from the broad spectrum of our emotional energy. Selecting brighter, more positive thoughts and feelings helps to revolutionise our perspective. There is less energy to sustain our fears and anxieties. We now channel a proportion of our power towards healthier, more productive and inspiring vistas. Our mental landscape is transformed.
In addition to improving our sense of wellbeing, this is a superb method for resolving stubborn issues because we gain access to our latent creativity. Answers present themselves as we relax. And there’s more…
As you become more familiar with your ability to shape your thoughts and feelings, you discover a completely natural faculty for making wonderful suggestions to your body. We are all highly suggestible as a species. That’s why our collective stress levels are so high. But you can now tell yourself that you feel calm, centred, creative, in control, focused yet relaxed. You can remind yourself that you’re going to sleep deeply and wake up feeling refreshed. The possibilities are limitless. Turn on your imagination. Turn down your stress. Turn up your enjoyment and take back control of your inner world and the rest of your life.