Less Talk, More Success: Introvert-Friendly Tips for Business Growth
Janine Friston- networking host and mentor
Introvert friendly networking meetings, host & business mentor I Networking training & business mentoring I Online & In-person, small group networking & mastermind I Business building that aligns to you
Being an introvert is often described as being a superpower. But sometimes as a business owner, it doesn’t always feel this way does it? You can feel overwhelmed with all the more extroverted methods and activities that seem to be promoted and pushed into the world of marketing and being visible.
Everything can feel fast paced, sales-y, loud and noisy - from big networking groups, new social media platforms and functionalities each week, the preference for live video and showing up all the time - everywhere - in order to be ‘visible’.
It can be exhausting!
As introverts, and quieter people, this can not only be overwhelming, it can lead to procrastination, a lack of confidence and us not feeling like we’re ever ‘enough’.
But, what if I shared some ideas for you to show up as your amazing, quietly-confident self, which can lead to calm, peace and a more relaxed approach?
1- Embrace your introverted strengths
Introverts and quieter people are brilliant listeners and observers. We can use these skills to build the right solutions and services for people we’d love to work with.?
Create strategies that work with your quieter strengths, in terms of smaller group networking groups and personal development programmes, marketing activities such as blogging, email marketing and other more introvert-friendly ways to grow the right audience. Check out our free guide 50 Ways To Grow Your Audience for ideas.?
Use systems and automation to save time and energy, building efficiencies as well as developing relationships and processes without using your energy.
2- Build genuine connections, quality over quantity
There are so many great events and networking opportunities around now, but don’t get drawn into thinking that you ‘should’ or ‘have’ to attend every one of these.
I used to feel this way, and not only can it get expensive, but I didn’t really gain that many new connections as I didn’t want to go and chat to loads of people.
Step 3 - Set boundaries to avoid burnout
This is where I am constantly improving, as it’s been something I haven’t been good at in the past. This is in terms of you and your clients, as well as your own work time, downtime and growth time.
Step 4 - Use technology and automation
There are so many ‘things’ we may have to ‘do’ as business owners - email marketing, social media content across multiple platforms, onboarding clients, sending information out at set time etc…
But the good news? We have lots of technology that can help with this to make it easier, simpler and faster.
You can batch create and schedule your social media and marketing emails. You’ll not only save time and energy in the long run, but by doing it in bulk, you’ll get ‘in the zone’ and be able to easily use some of the same information across both activities.
Set up automation sequences for new email subscribers, to clients or people that have downloaded something. Setting it up once means you don’t have to do anything manually.
Step 5 - Build your confidence, one win at a time
It’s important to celebrate your wins in business, and in life. Don’t wait to hit that big goal before recognising the small steps you’ve taken along the way.
By having a clear path of how you’ll achieve your big dream (or goal), you’ll be able to celebrate each of the smaller steps and wins along the way. This will keep you motivated, boost your confidence and help with all manner of mindset, visibility and growth areas.
Consistent Action = Consistent Achievements = Consistent Progress
What strategies work best for you? I’d love to know.?