The Less Talent They Have
Holtz Realty

The Less Talent They Have

Thank goodness we're on the downhill slide of winter with our warming sun coming all the closer to melt off yesterday's snow cover. It was still a little slippery in spots but at least it wasn't anything like the streets and sidewalks were yesterday. I couldn't help noticing the huge drifts in various areas which were at the end-points of wind tunnels. I'm sure the owners were having fun getting those banks cleared-away today.

The bulk of my day revolved around making sure all the loose ends of my two closings coming up tomorrow were taken care of, and by the end of the day, all was readied for those anxious buyers and sellers. It ended up being a close call on one of them which didn't get it's full loan approval until yesterday. Yes, that one had me worried there'd be a delay.

One of the buyers I've been working with on and off, stopped by today to ask if I'd have time to show the 'family' a home this coming Saturday, and as chance would have it, I had a time slot free, so as of now, I'll be showing homes in three different North Iowa towns that day, so let's hope the weather will be pleasant.

Since I dispensed with having lunch today, I spent that free time practicing seven hymns I was given which I'll be playing at First Presbyterian Church later this month, and glad they sent the list early because I'd not played but one of them before. Yes, I'm definitely getting my keyboard and sight-reading skills put to the test, and it'll likely continue because they have a large number of hymns I've not even heard of until I paged thru their accompaniment book.

Around mid-afternoon another time slot opened which offered another opportunity to continue reading a book I was given for Christmas which at first didn't seem that appealing to me, but now that I'm into it, I'm definitely finding the information given both troubling as well as interesting, and only because there's been a great deal of classified information that's been kept from the general public for decades on end. Once it's finished, I'll have to give you my personal review of it.

While getting brought up to speed with our news today, I became sickened when reading where our POTUS is now wanting to revoke the refugee status of those 200+ thousand Ukrainians we have living here. After reading it, I'm now fully convinced he's got one hell-of-a axe to grind with Zelensky, and likely because that demanding phone call he made to Zelensky during his first term as president, was basically asking him to lie about Hunter Biden's Ukraine connection, which he wouldn't Yep, he's one heck of a narcissist who refuses to take ownership of his actions.

I still cannot get my brain wrapped around why he's gone into a tariff war with Canada which has been one of our closest allies for generations. The only thing I can come up with, is he's trying to get Trudeau and the Canadians to act like they're beholding to him. I already heard they've made more lucrative trading arrangements with the European countries. I'm almost convinced there will be absolutely no good coming out of his alienation of a democratic country with whom we share the longest border with.? Yes, it seems every day, the demands of our POTUS are growing all the more bizarre, and yet those handpicked cronies of his, continue to show him fealty.

While writing these words, I was reminded of what Erasmus penned hundreds of years ago which is, “The less talent they have, the more pride, vanity and arrogance they have. All these fools however, find other fools who applaud them.” Now wouldn't you say Erasmus' words fit right into what taking place in our Executive Branch? How terribly regrettable!

Tonight's One-liner is: I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest person.

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