Less Social Media, Paying Clients ↑
Paul Zelizer
Business coach for social entrepreneurs | Award-winning podcaster ??? | Albuquerque business coach | Climate tech ecosystem builder
NOTE: This post originally appeared on my blog.
Some of you might know that for awhile, I worked for a popular conference called Wisdom 2.0. I was the Director of Social Media.
It's kind of ironic that a guy who got on Twitter in 2008 and it took him global and changed the trajectory of his entire career and worked for one of the largest conferences in the mindfulness world as the Director of Social Media is writing an article on the topic of being more mindful and spending less time on social media.
But I've never been one to shy away from irony or hard conversations.
Why Social Media Can Be Problematic
Now let me say upfront that I am a big fan of using social media consciously to grow a business. This post is not a call to delete all the apps and move to a cave in the mountains.
Done well, social networks are one of the best ways to get to know more leaders in your sector and develop real relationships with people who can make referrals to your business.
The problem is, it's challenging to use these networks skillfully and using them unskillfully has some very harmful consequences.
Two examples of the harmful consequences I'm referencing:
- This Psychology Today article shares research about how certain social media patterns and platforms tend to both attract narcissists and make people who use them more narcissistic.
- This Social Media Explorer article shares the research about time on social media and increased levels of conflict in relationships. I believe this negative effect is also true for us as parents and in other types of close relationships.
The similar finding in both these articles (and many others) is that spending too much time on social media is having negative consequences on our lives and relationships.
I also believe that large quantities of time on social media is ineffective for growing a business.
In short, I think the majority of entrepreneurs looking to grow a business today do need to be on social media. And, if you are an entrepreneur who is not yet seeing the levels of growth and impact you are desiring, it's likely you are investing time on social media in ineffective ways.
What to Do Instead
The most common conversation I'm having with clients and colleagues these days is for the need for a "featured marketing channel". Examples of this are:
- A regular blog on your site or a platform like Medium.
- A video channel like a YouTube channel.
- A podcast (here's my podcast).
There are 4 main characteristics that make something a featured marketing channel:
- It's a dedicated channel. Everything on that channel is the same kind of format. For example, they are all 5-10 minute videos with tips on a certain topic or it's a deep dive interview podcast.
- It's something you do regularly. You publicly let people know when a new post/video/episode comes out. For my podcast, it's a new episode on Tuesdays at 5am ET.
- It's something you bring high quality attention to. This is one of the most important thing you do in your marketing, so you bring your best quality attention to it.
- It's featured on your website. Your featured marketing channel is on your website in a prominent way.
You put your best into your featured marketing channel first. You prioritize creating valuable content here first. This is your most precious marketing resource.
Social media is important - but secondary to the above. If you've been spending a lot of time on social media, I invite you to harvest up some of that time and invest it in the way I'm describing.
Then, when you do go on social media, do two things: a) be mindful of the time and energy you invest there and b) have about 25% of your social media posts reference your featured marketing channel.
When my clients commit to this approach, they report a number of great outcomes. First, they get more warm leads and more paying clients. Second, their levels of stress goes down. Third, the negative effects on their relationships that are described above tend to decrease or disappear.
- More paying clients.
- More ease.
- More impact.
If you'd like these things, I invite you to give this a try.
If You Need Some Help
If you could use a thought partner to help you design a plan for your featured marketing channel and how to skillfully use your social media time to get the most return, I invite you to consider doing a Strategy Session. Working in this way is a growing portion of my work and I LOVE helping dedicated entrepreneurs develop this type of plan.