Less is more
Nadia Themis
Lecturer in Business | Staff Governor | Mindset Coach | Yoga Instructor |First Aid Trainer | Former Politician & Journalist | Pacifist & Author| EMCC
Few days ago I had a very interesting discussion with my friend and mentor Ty. Our discussion was about life goals and that sometimes we need to pause to restructure our vision or dream.Ty is an amazing guy. We are too funny when you see us together, he is too tall and I look like a dwarf next to him, no I am joking! He has a brilliant mind and during our discussion he quoted me!
He said something I wrote years ago and he said "Nad, maybe you should go and read all those articles you wrote because it is really a good stuff!" I was like what? and laugh out loud because he was so right! Then I said in a funny way that, this Nadia Themis is amazing indeed. I want to be like her.
Sometimes we need to go back to ur roots, go back where everything started, in order to restart again. Remind ourselves our visions and dreams. So, "going" back I studied all over again my own self /work book "Less is More" . It is a very simple and practical guide to improve our decision making process. You can find the book online on Amazon, press the link below. It will cost you nearly a Cappuccino! Don't forget also that you get a free talk 60minutes and emails support from me.
Indeed things are simple and we have this trend us humans to make things complicate. Let's first start with the easy stuff and then we jump into the complicate ones.
If you dont have a mentor then hire a coach or find a mentor. We all need support and people who will encourage us. I read the other days that no-one really made it on his/her own and totally agree. They all had people supporting them emotionally others financially but they all had this fire inside them, the fire of not giving up. Find those people and make your life simpler.
PS: If you enjoy the workbook, spare few more minuets and post a good review. We are ll together in this journey, called life!
Thank you for your time.