Less is More? - More or Less!
Justitia & Lester Moore Design by Kevin A. MacDonald using Clip Art

Less is More? - More or Less!

The Fix?

Set aside for a moment Politics, Religion, Race, Region, Gender, Preference, Tribe, Sect, or Stripes, and we are (more or less), fundamentally human (or should that be hue-man). Can we agree on that?

Beings who have been conditioned since birth by dark forces (or simple human nature) to seek ways to make life 'easy', 'pain free', '24/7 happiness', and most fatally, "more, more, more' of everything, whether it hurts, helps or otherwise!

The instant gratification our society has conditioned we 'lab rats' to ‘like’ and over 'consume', has been fueled by the mother of all addictions, which feeds all others - SUGAR!

We all know that, yet how can we pass on that 'piece of the proverbial pie'?

So pervasive has it become since Coca-Cola was introduced in the 1880's, that it has now seeped into our social conscience and romanticized as something to be desired, even to the point of being a common form 'pet name' (right up there with Honey and Dear).

As the top hit of 1969 goes: "Sugar, ah honey, honey"! If you have never listened to it, or watched the cartoon version by The Archie's that launched it, please do, it will be quite a throw-back to an 'age gone by'.

The Fallout!

Since Coca-Cola was introduced in 1886, sugar consumption has increased dramatically. In the early 1900s, the average person consumed about 5 to 10 pounds of sugar per year. By the 1980s and 1990s, this number had risen to around 100 pounds of sugar annually. Today, the average American consumes about 150-170 pounds of sugar per year.
This increase can be attributed to the rise of processed foods, sugary drinks, and convenience products, Coca-Cola, being one of the most popular sugary beverages, has certainly played a role in this trend.
It's quite a jump, isn't it? Do you think there should be more regulations on sugar in foods and drinks? - Microsoft Copilot: Your AI companion
Source: www.freepik.com

Why Bother?

Why take the time to read, study, reflect, care, help others, or sacrifice, when with a 'click' of the 'bait', we are given what we want (usually what hurts us most). Blissfully unaware of the unintended consequences, till bit by bit, we finally realize it, but too late as we are already 'hooked'!

This long windup is intentional. If you read this far, I would ask you consider what preeminent Advocate John Campion so well states in his recent Post, Advocates: "Without fear and favour", that got this ball of wax not so eloquently rolling, and realize that nothing is 'bad or good' in itself, it how we react and the subsequent choices we make in response that, in time, will manifest the results.

Is it too late for Kanama'ki to turn herself around, accepting as true that we are heading towards the rocks?? No, it is never too late, but those who can still reason and see there is a problem, need to embrace more than ever what unites and not divides.

History is replete with lessons from the greatest minds and its time we remember and act on them - Lest We Forget!

The Long and Winding Road that Led to Peace! Source: Kevin A. MacDonald (Vimy 08 November 2018)

My Big Fat Greek Roots!

Our national spirit and pathos didn't emerge from the ether. As a wise Professor and Mentor taught me, inter alia (Latin for 'among other things'):

"If you sink your plough deep enough, you will always come up with Greek Roots" (Fr. Edo Gatto).

The father of Philosophy (Greek for 'love of wisdom') is Socrates, the teacher of Plato, the teacher of Aristotle, the teacher of Alexander the Great. All who came after hark back to them for knowledge and wisdom.

Is there a difference between the two? Knowledge is knowing cucumbers are a fruit, wisdom is not putting them in a fruit salad! But forgive me, I digress into a 'word salad'.

Painting - 'The School of Athens, Plato & Aristotle', by Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio). Source: Wikipedia

Sorry About That?

Why do we (or most) Canadians (Kanama'kians) apologize even when we have done nothing wrong? Why do we not trumpet our achievements, rather try to humbly help others before helping ourselves? In a word – Socrates (the greatest mind who knew how much he didn't know!).

Whether we realize it or not, the search for virtue vs. virtue signaling, and knowing the difference, is a tale as old as time.? ?Nowhere does one see this so well ploughed (plowed for our US Friends), then in Plato's famed work "Apology" – sorry, that is it title.? Some might say it should be called ‘The Apology’, but who are we to remold Play-Doh?

Play-Doh is a wonderful sensory and learning experience for Children. While Plato is a wonderful sensory and learning experience for Adults!

What's The Plot?

Spoiler Alert! In sum, it's about a Smart Man vs. the Dumb Men of Athens, and Death by Hemlock after a Kangaroo Court hearing, focusing largely on Socrates' brilliant submissions, undeniable logic, and deductive reasoning.

If you have never read it, I set out a link below to an audio book with text (approx. 1.1 hrs.). I highly recommend you read along as some of the Greek names and places sound 'foreign' and to flip a phrase - "it all sounds Greek to me".

Additionally, watch closely and note the several instances where the reader is slightly off from what is written – doing so is a great way to improve attention to detail and ability to discern (watch, listen, and learn - old school style).

If you only read one book in life, this should be it! In doing so, will you find an easy fix or answers to life, or our collective future? Probably not. Is it 'worth the effort'? You be the Judge!

That said, if you want to maintain the illusion you know much and are wise - don't read it, as it will 'burst your bubble' (if you are intellectually honest with yourself).

Plato's Apology

This is really Socrates' Apology (Link to Book) for being true to himself and truth in the face of death, as documented by his most brilliant student, Plato (his nickname, his birth name is Aristocles).

The Death of Socrates by Jacques-Louis David, 1787. Metropolitan Museum of Art. Source: Wikimedia.

How To Get There?

"A Journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step." - Lao Tzu

Also known as Laozi, he also wisely observed "If you never feel inflated, you will never feel burst"! ??Let that simple logic sink in for a moment!? Take your time as he quite rightly also observed that “Oxen may be slow, but the earth is patient”.

He, like Confucius, most Eastern and Western Mystics, Sages, and Gurus, all sing from the same score/hymnal. Humility, kindness, moderation in all things, and putting others before yourself to gain peace, harmony, balance, and mastery over the 'bonds of the material world'!

Some say it is these 'virtues' that led to the Buddha and Christ Consciousness, through sacrifice, suffering, and deprivation, even unto death!

“There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends.” - John 15:13

These are words attributed to Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef (called Jesus Christ by the Romans who murdered him, then hijacked his message). In effect, he was telling his twelve Disciples to give up the things they wanted to do, and to give of themselves to others - a hard row to plough indeed, but nothing that is good is easy - it's that simple!

"Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream" - Malcolm Muggeridge

Malcolm also bluntly puts the finest point on what I am driving at, in his 1966 Book, Thread Softly, and is an apt way to conclude:

"The orgasm has replaced the Cross as the focus of longing and the image of fulfilment." - Malcolm Muggeridge
Confucius meets Laozi (Lao Tzu), Shi Gang (史杠), Yuan dynasty. Source: Wikipedia

Other Voices!

Before signing off, I leave you with words that may also help frame what Socrates so well states in his unique manner – the so-called Socratic Method, in no particular order, but start by observing ‘from on high’, to help keep us from getting ‘too uppity’ (to quote Jed Clampett of the 60’s TV Comedy, the Beverly Hillbillies):

“We are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants, so that we can see more than they, and things at a greater distance, not by virtue of any sharpness of sight on our part, or any physical distinction, but because we are carried high and raised up by their giant size.” - Bernard of Chartres as quoted by John of Salisbury (12th century), in his Metalogicon (1159)

Now two wise observations from the so-called 'Philosopher King' of ancient Rome, Emperor Marcus Aurelius:

"The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature."? - Marcus Aurelius
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.” - Marcus Aurelius

Now two fundamental and powerful quotes from the Bible:

'Wine is strong. the King is stronger. Women are stronger still: but Truth Conquers All.’ (1 Esdras 3:10)

Finally, remember the most important ‘cardinal rule’ of all from Micah 6:8 –

“He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God”!
The replica statue of Roman Emperor, Marcus Aurelius, in the Piazza Campidoglio, Rome, Italy. The original is in the nearby Capitoline Museum.? Source: Wikipedia

Now The Punch Line!

Poor Lester Moore? So the sad tall tale goes:

"In the late 1880s, Lester Moore worked as a Wells Fargo Station Agent in the Mexico-United States border town of Naco, Arizona. One day a man named Hank Dunstan arrived at the Wells Fargo station to pick up a package he was expecting. When Moore handed him a badly battered and mangled package, Dunstan became enraged over the condition of it and an argument ensued. The argument quickly became heated and both men reached for their guns. Moore was shot four times from Hank Dunstan's gun. Before Moore died, he managed to fire off one shot of his own, hitting Dunstan in the chest and Dunstan died from his injury. Lester Moore's body was transported to the nearby town of Tombstone, where he was buried in the Boothill Graveyard. There he became forever known for the epitaph inscribed on his headstone..." - Lester Moore (unknown-1880) - Find a Grave Memorial

Is this true, 'old timey' propaganda, urban myth, or shameless tourist mongering for Boothill Graveyard? Well according to Wikipedia:

"There was never anyone named Lester Moore who was killed in Arizona Territory, and there is no evidence to indicate where Dunstan (who also died in the purported shootout) was buried."

Okay, but what's special about his epitaph that draws them in droves (more or less)? A picture is worth a thousand words (or at least forty-four):

Lester Moore (unknown-1880) - Find a Grave Memorial

Concluding Thoughts?

While the secret to life and happiness is simple, it's not easy! "We need to Work our Love, and Love our Work". [NB: Edit Credit to Faris Georgis for better prioritization and kindly suggesting role reversal of that last turn of phrase].

We need to remain humble, flexible, and prepared to 'change course' when headed towards the rocks.

Nowhere is the humour of hubris, and need to steer away from disaster, better illustrated than in the encounter set out below. Try not to laugh out of respect, but...

ACTUAL transcript of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October, 1995. This radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on 10-10-95.
Americans: "Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision."
Canadians: "Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision."
Americans: "This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course."
Canadians: "No, I say again, you divert YOUR course."
Canadians: "This is a lighthouse. Your call." - The Obstinate Lighthouse | Snopes.com
Picture not of actual event. Source: Snopes.com

As an aside see how this true story has been hi-jacked by others for commercial gain or 'bragging rights' a la Hollywood, Spanish style: https://youtu.be/KvRYd8U7qGY

A Final Lesson from Jed!

Wit and wisdom is not the domain of the 'educated'. Watch this clip from the Beverly Hillbillies and tell me where Jed is wrong:


Like Jed, bear no grudges! Lest We Forget!

Illustration is from the 1816 book, The History of England, from the Earliest Periods, Volume 1 by Paul M. Rapin de Thoyras, U.S. Library of Congress. Source: Wikipedia

PS: A bonus for those who like Pipes, Drums, and Dancers, the Hokey Poky, and how to turn yourself around - enjoy (I am a Snare, back row center):


RCMP Pipes, Drums, and Dancers (Nova Scotia) at Canadian National Memorial, Vimy Ridge, France 04 October 2014. I am the Tenor in the center. Photo by Louise Richard - Lest We Forget!

Nathan P.

Portfolio Career - ONE TEAM - Resiliency Builder - Scenario Planner - Problem Solver - I have no opinions, only questions.

1 周

Interesting: "need to embrace more than ever what unites and not divides" Some might suggest this divides: "national spirit" I enjoyed the ramblings of a thinker. Plato would approve. What happens if we have forgotten?

Roland Chartrand

--So sad about the things, Aboriginal men and woman have to endure to make us Savage’s getting better Older

1 个月

Thank you my Friend for sharing this article and yes the road we are on is to help the world understand that atrocities that not just indigenous all race’s that struggle with addictions have to go through. But we will prevail!!! If you want to. I want the world to hear my story to help other’s understand there’s always hope!! Just gotta find yours. Mine is God! Everyone has to find there’s I was never a believer of Christ till just a few years ago I am glad I let God into my life Amen to that.



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