Less Marks in Exam
Today When I returned home, from work, My son opened the door for me and walked away sulking,,
I realised something was off.
He just completed his 50 marks annual exam and the teacher was sharing marks obtained in the exam.
He got 21 out of 50 in Maths and 45 out of 50 in some subjet (I really dont bother about marks) So he expected that I scold him for the 21 (as passing marks are 17 ) and expected that I Praise him for 45 marks. He was almost in tears. This was the first time in his secondary that his score was so bad.
Somehow I did something unexpected (even surprising for me).
I told him any marks obtained was ok with me. Instead of discussing how he got less marks, I wanted to discuss, how he got between 30 t0 45 marks in some subjects.
After discussing the points, I suggested (with his permission) to discuss why he got less marks. Surprisingly all points discussed were the exact opposite of the previous discussion of how he scored good marks.
The one main point I realized for him to score less marks was the FEAR OF FAILURE. In order to prove himself and to not fail, he messed up in some calculations and got less than 50 %
Then we discussed a plan of action for the next academic year to work towards a better score in Math.
Honestly I felt contented. Even now, as I am typing, I am experiencing a unique type of calmness. I dont know if I did the right or wrong thing, I could have handled it better, maybe, But I'm glad there was no shouting, no embarrassing the child or even no over animated conversations about good marks.
There was this understanding that, its important to understand the concept and answer the exam with a calm mind, not for marks but for application of the knowledge gained during the academic year.
Signing off...
Prachiti Sharangdhar