Lenze 9003 inverter configuration:
We have a stenter machine with several Lenze Servo Inverters.
As this machine is fundamental in the production process, we have a reserve Inverter (with the hardware power maximized) and when one of them is damaged, we configure it with the parameters for the correct location.
To do this, I use a Lenze application, installed on a portable PC, communicating with the Inverter using the LECOM protocol (RS232: baud rate=9600; Number of Bits=7; Parity=Even; 1 sop bit).
PCs haven't Com ports for a long time, so we use a USB to RS232 converter.
But equipment gets damaged and when we change it…. We used a PC with XP operating system and a keyspan converter.
We replace the PC with a newer one with Windows 7 or, alternatively, one with Windows 10.
For these operating systems there are no drivers for the keyspan converter and that is why we tried other converters purchased on the market.
We tried three different models, we tried all options and combinations available on the Com port but didn’t result.
Not understanding the reason, we installed an XP emulator on Windows_7 and Windows_10 and used Keyspan converter and it is working.
But we were worried that the Keyspan converter might get damaged in the future.
Thus, looking at the TX/RX signal with an oscilloscope we see that the Keyspan converter presents signals between (-8V and 5V) but the new converters present signals with voltage between (-5V and 5V).
In fact, RS232 protocol accepts signals between (-3V;3V) to (-12V;12V), but it is possible that different hardware of different devices may not be compatible.
Therefore, using one of the many small power sources (+12Vdc; -12Vdc ;-5Vdc/20W) taken from old equipment that has since been replaced, we designed two circuits that convert (-5V to -8V) and another that converts (-5V;5V) to (-8V;8V) connected between the TX on the converter side and the RX on the LECOM device.
To minimize the current between TX LECOM (8V) and RX Converter we place a resistance (470 ohm).
I hope we don't need to resort to these electronic circuits. We're not sure if it's the best solution.