Lennox International Internship
Nervous. Excited. Intimidated. Ecstatic. These mixed feelings rushed up in me as I set foot on the 3rd floor of the Lennox office in Richardson. I was not sure how well my internship experience would unfold as I became the new Accounting Co-op at the Shared Services Team in Lennox on January 28th. My first day with my new team was very welcoming. I was introduced with smiling faces and by the end of the day, I was reassured that I would be in the hands of a great team. A team that I was looking forward to knowing better and learning from.
In the following weeks, I was introduced to different projects starting with inventory costing. With my pen and notepad in hand, I was shown how to do the steps. At first, I was just writing down the information, eager to make a great impression by doing the job right. Soon, I was left to try on my own. Yet, I realized that doing my work is more than writing down the instructions. It is understanding the small details to the big idea. I wondered more and more about what and why: what each keyword meant, what the cost centers are for, and why we completed a certain task. I was not deprived of answers to all my questions. My team was very approachable when I had any questions or concerns or when asked to reteach me the steps. I end up doing this task almost every time I go to the office, depending on requests sent in determining or updating the standard costs of each material. This specific task is essential because it ensures that the company is extending costs throughout its various cost centers in unity.
I was also given different tasks such as clearing an account to guarantee that the company’s liabilities that have already been paid for were cleared. I also got my hands on pulling various invoices for fixed asset projects for Lennox U.S and Lennox Management Company and figured out which of these invoices needed to be sent to the tax department to determine if an additional tax was needed or not. Through this, I was able to work and interact with other people from other departments. I also experienced creating journal entries for this tax invoices and had them reviewed and approved. I would usually experience this the week before or during close weeks which is very different for me. These are schedules that are close to the end of the month, but it represents the end of the period which I would usually only hear in my accounting classes but now I experienced real deadlines. After a close week, I would usually do a report called “Statistics Canada”. These reports summarize the invoices in Canada and accumulate these amounts by territories located in Canada. I do this because Lennox Canada needs to see the wholesale trade that occurred that month.
Some assignments were on-going throughout the month like inventory costing. Another one of these was checking every day for specific report groups to make sure that all expense accounts are allocated correctly. Out of all my current projects, this one is what I sometimes have trouble with the most. Mainly because despite of all my reminders and planners, I still tend to forget or find it harder to grasp the rules on what qualified as an expense or not. Nevertheless, I am still always helped and explained each account and its purpose. Recently, I was handed over the selling and advertising allocation journal entry which is a recurring account. I was just given this project this period, so I am still trying to learn and understand the account completely. I also experienced the quarter-end during March. I did some tasks for my senior manager where I saw parts of different reports that are sent to auditors. This was a great insight for me because I got to see the bigger picture of multiple accounts.
My internship at Lennox has taught me a multitude of accounting skills. But beyond that, I learned to cope with many responsibilities. I have developed a better time-management skill and managed between schoolwork, internship projects, my other part-time job, and all the other things I do in my everyday life. I learned how to be a key team player, to be confident in asking questions, and do not hesitate if they are intellectual questions or not. Lennox taught me how to be more patient, to be curious, and even the simple email etiquette. Lennox has taught me to be myself, and learn that when a task is given, it doesn’t have to be done in an instant, that finishing tasks are more than just efficiency, but it is also accuracy. My internship has been rewarding despite of some challenges because I know I am a better accounting student and person. Most of all, I learned that communication is the key to succeeding. I came to Lennox nervous and in fear of not making the right impressions. However, I realized that I need to believe in myself more and to understand that not everyone will agree to my ideas and might doubt me in my position. Regardless of setbacks, I learned it is important to seek advice, stand up once more, and try again. My team consisted of 11 members, each with their respective positions of accounting analysts or manager and senior manager, I know I can consult and approach any one of them regarding any questions, to talk about our lives and to seek advice.
Despite Covid-19 and everything that is happening around the world because of the coronavirus, I am one of the lucky ones who were able to keep their internship. I hope that we can go back to the office soon so I can see my team again. I am very thankful and blessed for what my internship at Lennox has brought into my life. So far it has only been 17 weeks since I interned, but it has already been filled with many firsts and experiences that I will never forget. I am excited for what the summer and fall semester will bring to me as I finish my year-long internship. Looking forward to the future, the feelings I felt on the first day of my internship turned anew. I am more: Confident. Determined. Thankful. Enthusiastic.
#UTDBSACCT #hireJSOM #Internship2020