Lemonades from lemons
In life's garden, where troubles may creep,
And shadows cast doubts, making hearts weep,
There lies a power, hidden within,
To turn sour lemons into sweet lemonades, my kin.
When life throws its challenges, hard and fast,
And you feel defeated, shattered, aghast,
Remember, my friend, the choice you possess,
To transform adversity into success.
Lemons may be bitter, their taste sharp and tart,
But in their essence lies a lesson, an art,
For when you squeeze them with unwavering might,
They yield nectar, golden and bright.
Embrace the storms, those tempestuous trials,
For they shape your character, fuel your fires,
Let their thunder ignite a fierce determination,
To conquer the odds, without hesitation.
Let every setback, disappointment, and fall,
Be a stepping stone, a catalyst for your call,
For even in darkness, a tiny spark gleams,
Igniting hope, awakening dreams.
When life hands you lemons, don't bow to despair,
Seek opportunities, hidden beyond the glare,
With resilience and faith, you'll rise above,
Harnessing strength, fueled by love.
Embrace the sour moments, don't let them define you,
The path you tread, the heights you'll climb,
For within your spirit, a warrior resides,
Ready to conquer, with unwavering strides.
So, let your soul bloom amidst life's strife,
And taste the sweetness amidst the sourness rife,
Lemonades from lemons, you shall create,
A testament to your resilience, a triumph so great.
Don't forget,
You are created for much more,
You are capable of much more,
Though the situation is great,
There is a greater one in you,
That speaks and it comes to pass.
Swish your magic wand, darling,
Your day awaits!
Culled from 'My Memoirs by Mary Ogbechie'