Lemonade - Corporate Abuse Point of No Return
To Whom It May Concern:
We have a virus of an Insurance Carrier stealing premiums from policyholders and refusing?to pay claims via illegal means. This is not isolated to the policyholder I'm representing as both the mitigation and?rebuild GC on this claim.?
I've attached our office of Attorney General New York Complaint and our Michigan Department of Attorney General complaint.
The date of loss for this claim is 06/29/24.? We inspected on 06/30/24.? Upon making the claim, the homeowner was notified of all of his max coverages.? That was Lemonade 's assertion that coverage was in fact available for the loss, which prompted us into action for the policyholder.
After the email stating the max coverages available to the insured and after an effortless co-inspection?with Lemonade's Independent?Adjuster, where we agreed on the source of the loss and scope of damages, for the most part,? as there were still unforeseen's?yet to be uncovered due to the lack of contact with the desk adjuster, there remained no contact for eleven days.? I'll say that again.? For eleven days into the mitigation process there was no contact with Lemonade, other than that with their independent adjuster, who at this point we assumed was the be all, end all in terms of claim finalization regarding the build.? It was still odd to have?not heard a peep from the mitigation department.? At this point,? I took it upon myself?to reach out to the desk adjuster with the email we had, [email protected].?
Up until that point everything had been communicated?via AI, with the exception?of the field adjuster..? ?Once a human was assigned, Conora Dyson , the human, I'm assuming it was human, instructed?us to stop mitigation.? When we finally found her profile online, we saw her listed as a content creator.? Even when we did stumble?onto profiles where insurance experience was listed, we couldn't find anything stating she was a licensed?adjuster.? To be honest, we still don't know for sure?if it's a real person.
That has never happened in my entire history as an Insurance Restoration Contractor.? It was a complete abandonment of S500 protocol.? Even if the carrier can find loopholes to mitigate against payout, once it is determined that the standing water was not from a sump pump backup, foundation seepage, or something else?in the small print the carrier excludes, the direct and physical?loss of the standing water are obvious,?and the dry out is covered.? ?On this claim, the source of the loss not?having derived?from any red tape exclusions was obvious.? I sent them a video reverse engineering my inspection.? The source of loss was undeniable.??
All three?of their reps, independent contractors who represented?Lemonade on the ground, agreed with our findings.? It was obvious and easy to reverse engineer the occurrence.? I'll also note that this?was a storm that was not part of a catastrophe date where the entire neighborhood is making claims.? It happened?in the early morning, between the hours of 4 and 6.? It was heavy, but not a situation?where people are calling?on a wide scale.? Mr. Vito Galati noticed water in his basement.? That's the reason?he called, assuming a plumbing?issue.
My initial inclination was that it came from plumbing of some sort as well.? When plumbing was ruled out, I made my way to the main floor bathroom above the wall that?water?had run down.? There were no plumbing issues, but I did see fresh water staining on the?ceiling.? The home is a ranch, so my next inspection point?was the roof.? That's where I found the ridge vent?on the right elevation had been compromised.? From that point forward, assessing?the other damage in accordance with basic physics was textbook.
We found out after the initial tarping?that the ridge vent?on the front facing slope had been compromised as well.? It wasn't as noticeable, so we didn't tarp it, as we were confident that we had found the primary source.? Also, insurance carriers tend to claim excessive tarping as grounds for denial, or to subrogate, so we veered away from tarping.? When another storm?hit, it was discovered that water was entering the front facing ridge vent?as well.? I couldn't wait for the adjuster or mitigation department?to reach?out any longer.? This is when I reached out directly.? That email is attached.
Regardless of a carrier's lack of enthusiasm to pay claims, for the?sake of liability, the last thing a carrier wants to chance is the growth of fatal black mold while a policyholder is under contract with them.? That's why every carrier, for the most part, has a mitigation department that is separate from everything else.? Mitigation, if one adheres to the S500, is typically an open and shut process.
Lemonade's adjuster, Conora?Dyson, stopped us dead in our tracks, under the guise of an "investigation," which turned out to be a process?whereby?she sought?grounds for denial by any means necessary.? Lemonade did nothing to reverse it.??
Lemonade has no mitigation department and the "adjuster" seemed to have?no knowledge of S500 protocol, and there was zero concern for the Insured's life. Black mold kills people.? I almost died from it myself and my daughter was sick most of her young?life until we isolated the issue and mitigated?accordingly.? I made the adjuster very aware of this, in a way sympathetic to the fact that Lemonade is a new carrier.? I attempted to use it as a teaching?moment. There was no desire to learn.? Only deny.
Conora Dyson , Lemonade's adjuster, refused to speak to me once it was established that she would not be able to contort my findings.? She tossed the IA's findings out as well when he wouldn't bend to her trying to manipulate the word mold out of him, for grounds for denial.? Her next tactic was to bypass me completely and to issue the policyholder a list of requirements that no homeowner would ever be able to present, such as dry out reports, in edition to frivolous requests that had no merit, such as neighbor's phone numbers and roommates phone numbers, roommates that she had vehemently?discluded from coverage right out of the gate, which was understood.?
Rather than ask me for the dry out reports, my photos, my moisture readings, etc. she circumvented us completely and took to blatant manipulation attempts to find a way to deny.? Keep in mind we're now half a month into a mitigation?process that should have taken four days max.? Well, 7 days, but that was because the homeowner?didn't want his home torn to pieces.??
Mr. Galati was one of the top stylists in the world?prior to coming back to his childhood?home to care for his family while?on hospice.? This home.? His family home was as it was when he was a child and as it was when his parents passed in the family room where their hospital beds were, prior to the?loss.? ?He didn't want anything torn out.? We made Lemonade aware of this through Conora Dyson .? It didn't matter.? It was clear that the intent of Lemonade was denial at any cost. The bathroom was very important to him.? Vintage tiles and priceless memories.??
Everything?happened over the 4th of July holiday week, so we attempted to dry the bathroom out in such a manner to save it from having to be torn apart.? When we were reading over 16% moisture throughout the loss area four days in, our IICRC rep ordered us to tear it out, as the risk of trapped moisture going forward?was too severe.? We weren't even charging for the days we took it upon ourselves to attempt?to save Mr. Galati's property.
There was also zero concern that, after 59 days of this adjuster not having the ability to find legitimate?grounds for denial, they placed him back in his home, which now is infested with ticks from the demo we were prevented from repairing, and confirmed Stachybotrys growth, confirmed by one of the three vendors, the environmentalist from Keystone Environmental, Health, & Safety Services, Inc. , who also prescribed?us more work to mitigate than we'd initially anticipated.? ?The IA?and engineer agreed with?our?findings.? Again it?was obvious.
His home could wind up being condemned.? We made Lemonade aware that his backyard is an elementary?school?and that their misconduct would be frowned on by people?who love children.? Lemonade's?play now is to ignore.
Mr. Galati demanded an appraisal on Friday.? Lemonade has?gone?completely silent.
You'll see my initial?email where I was trying?to?educate the adjuster on the dangers that the homeowner?was facing.? When she disregarded his life, I got assertive.
I've attached a series of LinkedIn articles I published regarding this nightmare.? My initial tone was welcoming to this new company that I thought had intentions?to offset the abuses?of big insurance.? It all turned out to be a lie and when they put my clients' life at risk, and we discovered?this was common nationwide, my language got a little more colorful.? I exercised?tact, but I do apologize if anyone takes offense to my stance.? I don't mean?to offend the good guys.
There are several more articles published on Linked in and I have stacks of emails documenting this company's?direct infringement on the American policyholder's unalienable?right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
I will cc this correspondence to Lemonade in the name of full disclosure.? I'm quite certain they will ignore it as they've ignored everything else.
We await your response.
Thank you,
Vince Orlando - Founder/CEO
Insurance Restoration Advocates of America
We The People NTWR
(No taxation without representation)
#noviolence #nodivision #notwopartysystem
ATTN: Michigan Department of Attorney General Ricardo Ambriez Insurance Restoration Advocates of America The New Yorker Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office BlackRock Vanguard FBI Cyber Division Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Dana Nessel Gretchen Whitmer rob wolchek Sarah Lindsey Elon Musk Joe Rogan experience Michigan Supreme Court National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) IAIS - International Association of Insurance Supervisors ? Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services IICRC ALE Solutions Julia Sigel State Farm Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan Tim Bixby Daniel Schreiber Ty Sagalow Auto-Owners Insurance Adina Eckstein Allstate Conora Dyson Oakland County, Michigan Government Macomb County Prosecutor's Office Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Robert F. Kennedy Kent Bull